I really liked it first season, but I think quality has fallen drastically every year since.
This was how I felt, but for me, it fell far enough (and the loooooooooooong break in between short seasons doesn't help me stick-with-it), I didn't bother coming back.
It's...self-conscious or something.
Yep. And there's this aim to be frank that fails for me, because it feels like contrived frankness. I did not need to see character A using the urinal, thanks.
I love Six Feet Under because the acting and directing and cinematography are so wonderful, but I do understand the criticism that the writing is not as good as the other elements. I still love Claire, though. (And Nate. And David. And Brenda. And Ruth. And Maya is damn cute, and I love that they just let the baby playing her act like a 2-year-old, instead of having her seem all drugged and perfect.)
And there's this aim to be frank that fails for me, because it feels like contrived frankness. I did not need to see character A using the urinal, thanks.
That actually beats the used condom display from this season.
I love Six Feet Under.
And, also, Buffy. Yes, I know, only weirdos like Buffy. Deal.
The urinal thing wouldn't ping me cause I watch the wire...cops on stakeout feel the call of nature outside a lot, apparently.
cops on stakeout feel the call of nature outside a lot, apparently.
Is this why you're not a cop? Shy bladder?
Buffy? Isn't that the show about the blonde chick and the monsters? Ew.
No, Lyra, that's
7th Heaven.
No, Hec, cause I don't drink or sleep around enough.
No, Hec, cause I don't drink or sleep around enough.
Maybe you better get to work on that, huh?