Not all friends become lovers storylines squick me- I love When Harry Met Sally, and I've always rooted for Luke and Lorelai. I think those friendships have a proper undercurrent of sexual tension, and it seems like each party can hold his own- they are equals, whatever that means.
I guess I don't see Buffy and Xander as having that same pop, and one person clearly has the power in the relationship- same with the Angela and Brian dynamic. Willow and Xander I had no problem with (obviously pre "gay now") even though there was pining, probably because I saw them as being more on equal footing. It didn't ping me with the same undercurrent of being a bad person for not giving someone a chance.
I think they loved each other a long time. And that doesn't tweak me. How crappily it was written does.
That's about where I end up. I think the attraction between them was clear pretty early, and I liked that it was based on intelligence and respect rather than OMG (S)HE IS SO VERY SMOLDERING!!!!!!
Because I think it's lazy, lazy, lazy and overused, a way to get nookie tension without paying more actors.
I agree with you on that. I can see where the concept is infuriating, but it's never bugged me in any specific instance.
It didn't ping me with the same undercurrent of being a bad person for not giving someone a chance.
I didn't really get that Buffy was supposed to be a Bad Person for not wanting Xander, and I felt like his crush was pretty much dealt with for both of them by S4. I like B/X myself, but that's in part because it would have at least given him something to DO. I'd be equally in favor of Xander as watcher, or Xander as Ben, or Xander as Riley, or all four at once.
See, love isn't brains, children, it's blood, blood screaming inside you to work its will.
See, love isn't brains, children, it's blood, blood screaming inside you to work its will.
Oh, you're going to take Spike's word on it, Ms. Never Been In Love?
Look, I got no beef with never having been in love (I told him that I loved him.. and I kissed him.. and I killed him.) Let's get real.
Those who can, do -- those who can't? Diagnose.
I'm just sayin' Spike didn't know a lot about the kind of love Zoe and Wash had. Which definitely had some blood, but had some other stuff too.
I'm just sayin' Spike didn't know a lot about the kind of love Zoe and Wash had.
Not a bone of contention.
But so what, though?
But so what, though?
Well, not much really. It's just that Spike's statement is categorical, and I thought (in that regard) that it was lacking.
I'm sure a Zombie!Spike would give the same speech, except insist that "Love is Brainnnnnnssss, children..."
Let me go ring Spike up and you can have an argument with him.
I am missing something I think, ita. I read your citation of Spike's definition as if you agree with it.
I think blood is part of it, but not the only part, and probably not the biggest part of it, just the most immediate one.