How would it have been ewwwy for you, Plei?
Visceral gut reaction to the character originally the main avatar of the creator getting the girl. I would have stopped watching.
Also, I am squicked by the trope of Loyal Friend Finally Gets Girl After Years of Yearning. It fills me with acute nausea, as it appears to imply that friendship is merely a thinly disguised quest for poontang. (Note: I also hate it when the genders are reversed, and wanted to throw things at the screen when viewing Some Kind of Wonderful.)
t stands next to Plei, for she is wise
Visceral gut reaction to the character originally the main avatar of the creator getting the girl. I would have stopped watching.
Hee. Okay, actually now I remember we've discussed (or disgust, in your case) this before.
Also, I am squicked by the trope of Loyal Friend Finally Gets Girl After Years of Yearning. It fills me with acute nausea, as it appears to imply that friendship is merely a thinly disguised quest for poontang. (Note: I also hate it when the genders are reversed, and wanted to throw things at the screen when viewing Some Kind of Wonderful.)
I didn't like SKoW. In the end, I really do agree with Buffy's own assessment that she was cookie dough, so I'm glad she ended the series alone. I could have bought into B/X, though, if a lot of things had been different.
Really? I like that. Not enough to like B/X but...although there were times where they could be a them.
Or you know in other words MunchNKai forevah.
Different strokes...
(But I do not believe that friendship is a thinly veiled anything, ftr.)
I am squicked by the trope of Loyal Friend Finally Gets Girl After Years of Yearning. It fills me with acute nausea, as it appears to imply that friendship is merely a thinly disguised quest for poontang.
Yes! Exactly why I hated Angel/Cordelia.
Heh. I just ordered
Some Kind of Wonderful
on DVD from Amazon. AND the soundtrack, too. I am terminally uncool. I blame Pamie.
In my defense... uhh, that cover of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by Lick the Tins is really fucking great!
Heh. I just ordered Some Kind of Wonderful on DVD from Amazon. AND the soundtrack, too. I am terminally uncool. I blame Pamie.
Hee hee. I too thought of Pamie in the midst of the
Some Kind of Wonderful
bashing. I've never seen it.
In my defense... uhh, that cover of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by Lick the Tins is really fucking great!
It is, isn't it? But it's even better at the end of
The Snapper.
I loved that movie! Well, both of them, to be completely honest, but the Snapper is fresher.
Ahhh P-C, you've got a John Hughes-sized gap on your movie knowledge, which is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you haven't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off. In which case, I command that you get thee to the nearest video store, STAT!
I like SKoW because of the ginormous crush I had on Watts, despite the fact that I thought Keith was a weener.
It is, isn't it? But it's even better at the end of The Snapper.
Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten the song was featured in that flick. I liked The Snapper a lot, although it's usually shadowed by my unreasonable love for The Commitments. That reminds me, I haven't seen the last two Roddy Doyle flicks. Should remedy that.
t looks at the thread title
Uhh, Buffy/Xander wouldn't have worked for me. I don't have a violent aversion to the idea or anything, but I really liked that their friendship has gone past romantic infatuation a long time ago.