It would be lovely - although I'd rather he did a Harry Potter movie - by film 6 they'll be the right age
A fine plan...
and book 6 badly needs a script doctor...
... though (while I suspect you may be proved right), I'd love to know how you can tell this from a title alone. (If you were thinking of book five-- Order of the Pheonix-- yes, it needs a script doctor. And an editor. And they're nearly the right age, and Harry's certainly getting angry enough.)
t /off-topic
Sorry about that, I know my HP fandom is showing.
adjusts costume
Yes, leaving Xander-- and, to my mind, Giles, and maybe some others-- out of CWDP was perhaps not the best choice. Trying to get it down to an hour, I imagine, because there was a lot of talking to do. It's still one of the highlights of the season for me, mainly for Holden.
Wouldn't he be in Hell?
The soul of the vamped doesn't got to hell, does it? It goes off to wander in some nebulous ether, no?
Didn't Darla come back from hell?
The soul of the vamped doesn't got to hell, does it? It goes off to wander in some nebulous ether, no?
This is the canon for while the vampire is still undead. I'm not certain (and canon probably isn't clear) about what happens if an evil vampire is staked. Darla would probably be the best clue, because she was killed while undead. But we also have to figure A:ts s5 Spike in there. That gets dicey, because in so many ways, he is such a singular case.
Didn't Darla come back from hell?
The scene where Darla gets turned seemed to indicate that SHE thought she was already going to hell, and given the ME propensity for vague-ing up heaven/hell vs. dimensions issues, that may have determined her final destination.
Spike and Angel both implied that they expected to go end up in hell eventually, too. Didn't they?
So if Jesse either thought he was going to heaven or was supposed to go to heaven before he got turned, his soul would have gone there when he was dusted?
Spike and Angel both implied that they expected to go end up in hell eventually, too. Didn't they?
Before they died, you mean? I could see that for Angel, not so much Spike.
I also don't see any reason to believe that they'd have any greater knowledge than any of us as to their final destination.
I'd credit Angel with a bit more expertise on the subject, what with actually having gone to both some etheric limbo and to hell. But I suspect his certainty about damnation comes from the blood he's gotten on his hands since his soul was restored.
Darla going to hell wasn't such a shock, what with the renouncing God with her last breath and all. Though I do think it possible that her soul departed in a more upward direction at the end of "The Trial"—her Season 4 appearance would certainly seem to indicate that she ended up on the side of the angels.
her Season 4 appearance would certainly seem to indicate that she ended up on the side of the angels.
Ooh, good point. I'd forgotten all about that.
There is also the ambiguous line that Darla had in the episode "Darla":
Darla: "It wasn't my name when I was human. - The first time when I was human, I mean."
Lindsey: "What was your name?"
Darla: "Hmm - I don't remember. (Shakes her head) I'm not her, whoever she was.
I was Darla for so long - then I wasn't. I - I wasn't anything. I just stopped. - He killed me. I was done.
(Turns to look at Lindsey) Then you brought be back."
Lindsey: "Yes."
Darla steps closer: "What did you bring back, Lindsey? What am I? Did you bring back that girl, whose name I can't remember? - Or did you bring back something else? - The other thing."
It just occurs to me that the "I was done" was the way the Buffy described hersel in "After Life".