Someone could be studying us RIGHT NOW. Someone say something crappy about Marti, something sickeningly sycophantic about Joss, something crazed about Spike, and misspell everything.
Bleegle floop snikkel zif mleemml fdkgoh gieonw convoit hogn avoigfu ogk oig gikslvn, ghero tgsab poifghs gdf mnb dl gjopig h lgv.
Someone could be studying us RIGHT NOW.
Someone IS studying us, remember ?
Bleegle floop snikkel zif mleemml fdkgoh gieonw convoit hogn avoigfu ogk oig gikslvn, ghero tgsab poifghs gdf mnb dl gjopig h lgv.
*cries* That was supposed to be in the Spoiler Thread!
cries* That was supposed to be in the Spoiler Thread!
Yeah, screw you guys! I'm leaving!!
The show is over, there are no spoilers.
That's a perfectly valid post here.
Some people are
Oh great. Now
is going to be our contribution to the lexicon.
Actually, I'm kind of ok with that. Or will be, until I find out what it means and have to go storming off in a huff about your crass insensitivity, or over-familiarity, or possibly just spelling.
The show is over, there are no spoilers.
You're such a bitch. How do you know the show is over? It could come back next season, you know. I mean, if you send bottles of Tabasco to Fox, they'll bring it back.
Stop pissing on people's hopes. You think you know everything, but obviously, you're just pulling this shit so people will think you know something.
You think you know everything, but obviously, you're just pulling this shit so people will think you know something.
Puh-lease. You have lurkers supporting you in e-mail, I have Gail Berman. Oh-ver. Done. Finito. Kaput.
Though there are rumours of a Marsters vanity vehicle, but I can't really talk about that right now.
What?!? The show is OVER? It won't be back in September?
Well, thanks for ruining my surprise when I flip on UPN to see America's Top Bachelor Survivor in 'da House instead of Buffy!