The first one or the sequel? The first one was a lot of fun. The second one had a good story but was it fun? Not so much.
Agree whole-heartedly with this. Liked the ability to play as more than Buffy, but the overall quality and playability of the first game is much, much higher. I still pop it in my X-Box occaisionally when I feel like dusting some vamps. The second game hasn't left the case since I beat it.
Have any of you tried the multi-player on the second game? It should be titled "How not to add multi-player to a game". Its gawd-awful.
See, they really really need to let a decent game developer do it. Like Incog, or EA.
Have any of you tried the multi-player on the second game? It should be titled "How not to add multi-player to a game". Its gawd-awful.
Yes, the only entertainment value is playing as Joss and listening to what he says during the fights, particularly against the main characters. (Too bad the sound mixing is so bad that any sound effects, including death-throe, drown out the vocal channel so it's near impossible to hear what he's saying half the time.) My favorite is "I have killed Spike and therefore am now the sexiest."
"I have killed Spike and therefore am now the sexiest."
sets stopwatch to see how long it takes for this to become a tagline.
Hit the board at a slow time, I think. I was lucky.
DavidS - your tagline - is it a reference to something I should see? Cuz...wanna...
I love my Bill.