Jim, the whole teaser is wonderful.
Buffy: "How about the expression, 'Vampire Slayer'?"
Vampire: "What the Hell are you talking about?"
Buffy: "Wow. Never heard that one. Okay, how about, Oh God, my leg, my leg'?"
and then later:
Boy Victim: "But...you're just a girl."
Buffy: "That's what
keep saying."
I thought Richard Benjamin was Quark
Oh man, talk about late and lamented. Another fun show snuffed out before it's time had come.
I can't say I'm terribly surprised, but too bad. Although given the voice-work she did for GONE it might be a blessing in disguise.
Yeah. I love SMG as Buffy. She's the one true Buffy for me. But going on
I am not impressed with her voice over work.
Her Simpsons appearence didn't really wow me either.
I wonder if the BtVS actors will have trouble "regressing" their characters.
TVGuide just put this up today. Scroll down about half-way for the Buffy "news".
Anyone know what this is about?
Probably the story of the woman who is doing the Buffy character voice work for the pilot of Buffy the Animated Series.
That doesn't seem like "major scoopage", but it could be. Maybe we could get so lucky and learn that the Animated Series has actually been picked up.