And cats go through phrases of really annoying behavior as they grow up. Our new cat would chew on my hair and knead his claws in my head, which hurt, whenever I sat still or lay down. I had to grab him and throw him down while yelling loudly and he eventually stopped. The odd thing is, we had a friend housesit during this phase who thought it was cute, so she didn't do anything. Even now when she comes over he goes right for her hair.
I have to say the urge to suddenly climb up one with tiny pointy claws is one of the MOST annoying phases.
I watched TWICE yesterday.
So there.
This is such an important day, I think Google should have done a special banner too.
Yeah, I know.
I bet it's both.
Are you trying to trump my answer that stated the same thing? Heh. Upping the ante, I see.
I watched TWICE yesterday
Dude, I am
jumping in the Seine over you.
Only Trudy insults a la Victor Hugo. I love it.
Of all the luck - that today of all days out come the puns. What were the chances?
I've got to say, I'm amazed and kind of gratified at the response the finale's getting from the media at large.
Feh. All the media seems to be doing is playing the crappy Music-Hell Branch song and showing clips of a Buffy who's clearly forgotten about the importance of the pony tail.
Riley is definitely a potato. And I gather Cordelia's icon is one of those necklace holder thingies?