Oooh. The random oz quote that just came up makes me want to snuggle up to him and love him and make him mine.
"When I'm kissing you, you're kissing's okay. I can wait."
How is it Willow always had the best taste in SOs? (excluding Kennedy who NEVER HAPPENED, OKAY?)
Oz and Tara are probably my two favorite characters across the entire series, with Willow joining the top three (and, depending on the season/episode/mood of the day, beating one or both of them out).
I realize this isn't actually a discussion of a Buffy episode. But it's closer to on-topic than the X-Files discussion, so I stick my tongue out at you if you don't like it.
t grin
(excluding Kennedy who NEVER HAPPENED, OKAY?)
Everyone has at least one relationship they'll regret later. Kennedy is Willow's.
my favorite, the one with the crazy suburban homeowner's association (crazy and homeowner's association being a bit redundant)
Strangely, this is the only episode of X-files that I have seen. And I have seen it something like 4 times. It seems to be on whenever I happen to channel-surf to X-files.
How is it Willow always had the best taste in SOs? (excluding Kennedy who NEVER HAPPENED, OKAY?)
two words for you: Re. Bound.
two words for you: Re. Bound.
I was so confused for a moment, because I thought this was a reference to the movie. Which I'm sure Willow enjoys quite a bit.
My take on things is that once she realizes what a low-budget Faith knock-off Kennedy is, she'll get over her season 3/4 issues and go for the real thing. Accept. No. Substitutes.
My take on things is that once she realizes what a low-budget Faith knock-off Kennedy is, she'll get over her season 3/4 issues and go for the real thing. Accept. No. Substitutes.
Does this mean that her next girlfriend will be named Twelveoaks?
Is that a Gone With the Wind reference, Fred?
Yes, Cindy. Punning on "Tara" as Willow's first girlfriend and the O'Hara plantation in GWTW.
I thought so, but am sort of slow, lately. And of course because I'm an idiot, I didn't even get the "Tara" connection. I was stuck on Kennedy (Frank Kennedy being one of Scarlett's husbands). Now that I've asked all the fun out of it, I am giggling appropriately.
I still think people would have liked Kennedy better without Tara's ghost overshadowing the relationship. It's the Riley effect.