I've been buying the DVDs this year and watching 2 or 3 eps a night. And now I'm up to
But anyway, my take on the seasons is that there's a kind of inverse proportion between "quality" - acting, design, expensiveness - and the charm and writing.
Season 1. They're all too old, most of them can't act, the sets look like they're falling apart, the fights are laughable. But it's got all the charm in the world. It's a silly, trashy show done with so much heart and soul that, despite yourself, you choke up.
Season 2. A bit more grown-up, a bit more coherent. Boreanez is the only one left who can't act, and even he does a good enough Christian Slater impression to carry the second half of the show. And the writing has really hit stride, they've got the confidence to handle big arcs, they can sustain the metaphor perfectly. And they have Spike & Dru.
Season 3. The absolute pinnacle of the show. The casting,writing, direction - even the fight choreography was inspired. Plus it's the season that really exploited the central (for me) idea of the show(
The Breakfast Club
I was a Teenage Werewolf)
to the fullest, culminating in
The Prom
, which was the grand finale of the best John Hughes movie ever. Much as I love what came after, it should have ended here.
Season 4. How do you follow that? This is, for me, the beginning of the slide in quality. They don't really hold a theme through the season - is it about College, about how friendships fall apart?. The first season to be salvaged by great episodes - Wild at Heart, Hush, Restless, This Year's Girl/Who Are You - rather than being a whole better than the sum of its episodes. The charitable explanation is that they'd had the courage to (literally) dynamite the entire premise of the show in Graduation Day, and were wrestling with where to go next. The slightly less charitable explanation is that Joss's focus was elsewhere with the creation. The really uncharitable explanation is that they knew they'd finished the story, but in the course of S3 it had become such a cash/kudos cow they couldn't bear to let it go. This is where the trend towards pandering to fandom begins (Spike is popular! Let's have more Spike!)
Season 5. They've found a new mission, kind of - it's
. Again, a season you remember because of the great episodes (The Body. The Gift). But the structural weaknesses were getting worse and worse, and the pacing was awful - they brought in Glory too soon. It's the equivalent of Alien3 - if they'd focussed on the drama and not felt the need to keep amping up the monsters, it would have been better. And we're really pandering to the fans now, with the Spike/Buffy storyline, the overblown fanfic that was Fool For Love. However, the Gift utterly redeeemed the season. Again, surely, this was the perfect time to end the show?
Season 6. But no, they dragged the poor old thing out of heaven, and for what? Yeah, at points it's a brilliant view of depression. Yeah, the despairing crescendo that followed Tara's death was brilliant. And yes, of course, OMWF is unmatched. But I just plain can't remember huge chunks of the season. The Trio were lame as fuck. And they bottled out of the best idea - making Buffy function in the real world of work, bringing it back to reality. The defining moment of the series was the end of Normal Again, which for me was the writers thinking "ah, hell, the fantasy, no matter how dark, is more comforting"
Season 7. It's unrecognisable, really. There are some fine, fine moments - Selfless is the best episode since S3 - but it's just a fucking mess. I love the idea of going back to school, the FE should have been the best Bad ever (and should have been the Hellmouth personified, but that's another story). Again, the last few episodes - once Caleb arrives - are great, and Chosen is a wonderfully fitting finale, but looking back to S3 you realise just how far the show had fallen.
But it was never ordinary.
Angel, FWIW, I never cared a damn about. If I had to choose I'd go S2 (Darla!), S3 (Wesley!), S1(Mean Streets!) and I'd forget S4 ever happened.
But the Jim Order of Buffy Seasons is:
Season 2. A bit more grown-up, a bit more coherent. Boreanez is the only one left who can't act, and even he does a good enough Christian Slater impression to carry the second half of the show.
I love our (the whole of us) different perceptions. I agree with a good deal of your points, Jim, but to me, BtVS season 2 is the season that showed me Boreanaz has a talent for acting; of course, I'd never thought of his turn as Angelus as a Slater impersonation. I will have to look for that in subsequent viewings (and a bit of me is worried that I will probably shake my fist at you from afar—for the rest of my life—if your comparison rings true and therefore ruins him for me ;-P ).
BtVS S2 taught me that DB was able to turn on a dime. Everything
changed, when Angel lost his soul and we were left with Angelus: facial expressions; voice, the cadence of his words; his physicality. When I start thinking DB can't act, I have to remember that season of Buffy, and wonder how much writing and direction deserve credit and blame (versus talent, training, and the right co-stars), when he doesn't quite pull off a particular line, scene or episode.
(Erm...not to say I haven't seen growth re DB, since S2. I have. But for me, that's the season in which his talents were best used.)
Season 6. But no, they dragged the poor old thing out of heaven, and for what?
I had a lot of those moments, but for me, they were mostly influenced by fandom. Once I removed myself from the conversations that were making me feel that way (either:
Spike needs to die NOW,
Spike needs to be canonized NOW so we can call him the saint he clearly is despite that Bitch Buffy
types of conversations) I was much better, and enjoyed the season much more. I think the Buffistas gave me back season 6.
and I'd forget S4 ever happened.
I am curious as to why? Is it the Cordelia/Connor thing? I know that was just too wrong for enough people who formerly loved the series. I thought A:ts S4 was stellar overall, but with low points that were probably lower than any other season's low points (save Pylea, which just rotted, imo).
Cindy, you are no longer me. Pylea was a big hoot!
And thinking about it, they should've kidnapped Cordy after Birthday and replaced her with Jaye. Yuhuh.
Cindy, you are no longer me. Pylea was a big hoot!
It was a hoot (and there were hooters, too), but it was a letdown, coming right after the wonderful slow burn that was Angel's beige. I understand there were casting issues (with JL or JB) that fed into this, but for me, it was too anti-climactic, too soon. Groo can't act his way out of a paper bag. There was, however, Numfar. I will laugh about Numfar for 'til the end of my days. It just wasn't worth it to me, overall.
It proved that AA could look good even in a sack, and that CC could look good even in a gold bikini. Which, granted, they didn't need to go to Pylea to prove.
Also, "Handsome man saved me from the monsters" ... everyone's favourite line.
Cindy - It's just a thing with me and DB. I always thought he was a lousy actor. I like him - and by somewhere in Angel S2 he'd developed a great line in self-deprecating line readings which are really funny - but I never bought him as a romantic lead.
And Angel S4 I loathed because I just thought it had run flat out of ideas. I can't, off the top of my head, remember a single ep I liked in that whole season, to the point where i've never got around to seeing the finale. Specifically it was the nth interation of "someone goes Evil", the nth iteration of "I've been behind IT ALL, EVER!" and the nth iteration of Invincible baddie gets vinced. I think it was Hec who pointed out that it's like reading your 10th John Irvine book - I was just bored of the narrative tropes.
And when you can't make an episode good with Faith and Angelus? Time to hang up your spurs...
And when you can't make an episode good with Faith and Angelus? Time to hang up your spurs...
Hmm, it will definitely have to be an "agree to disagree" thing here, because I thought Faith and Angelus (and even more so, Faith and Wesley - typed Weasely at first, which is funny on any number of levels) were some of best parts of that season.
Steph - no. I was away when it was shown, and by the time I came back it was off BT.
And FB - I was thinking of Orpheus. The Wesley/Faith stuff was ace. In fact Wesley has been the sole reason I watch Angel (aside from residual 'verse loyalty - I'd watch a spinoff called
Riley, Annointed & Kennedy - They Fight Crime
if it came to it) for quite a while. Denisof is such an astonishing actor, and he always has foxy women.
Edit - and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call numberslutting. 3 posts back, #7777. I rule.