But quite aside from the Crapture, Season 3 took my favorite fictional platonic relationship EVAH and turned it into an ill-conceived romantic one that had less convincing chemistry than the real life pairing of Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt
First: snerk.
Second: Oh yeah. That part. I can see, if one was seriously into Cordy, how that would be offpissing. I mean, S3 broke up the best couple since Dan and Casey (for which I may one day forgive it but THEIRLUVWUZSOPUR!). And there was a LOT of crap. Which I forgive it for what it set up. Also for the naked parts.
Rayne: it was loved.
I suddenly wasn't sure whether she had actually been evil to begin with.
That's such a hard question. She took away free will, but gave complete happiness. She ate people, but that's her food. Some of us eat cows and pigs (and they are yummy). I'm not sure that she fits the defintion of "evil"
I'm having flashbacks to watching Cordy and Angel go at it in Waiting in the Wings.
See that's one of the times (the vision that took Angel's soul in season 4 being the other) I didn't mind it, because it wasn't supposed to be real. Plus, Cordy still had her snark going.
I cringed through every minute of that Cordy/Angel crap. Oh god, and that line! You know the one I'm talking about.
I'm only alive when you're inside me.
Worst!Dialogue!Ever! Horrible! Nightmare inducing!
And I hated all the Wes-mooning-over-Fred stuff.
Yet, oddly enough, overall I liked
Waiting in the Wings.
I was seriously about to give up Angel before that episode. But it convinced me to give a little more time.
So, what's the consensus on last night's Angel? I'm dying to see it, and I keep looking longingly at the Angel thread. But I'll remain strong.
It was fantastic. It might be my favorite, ever. Everything was strong: characterization, continuity, action, dialogue, acting. I didn't even feel like the lit the set with a 25 watt bulb. It was frigging amazing. You get to see it tonight, right Rayne?
Yes, tonight! 10pm! Now I'm excessively excited!
I finally got around to buying the Season 3, volume 1 Scripbook and checked up on the next volumes. Amazon says that Vol. 3 is no longer in print -- but I'm wondering whether it's just not out yet? (Because Vol. 2 is readily available.)
I thought Waiting in the Wings was fitting for the overwrought emotions some theater people tend to have.
I tend to be a bit too bombastic for real life when I'm under stress or enthusiastic, and it's been 10 years since i was in a play.
So I just watched "Wrecked."
Oh. My. God. Was it really this awful the first time I watched it? I'd rather watch "Beer Bad" a thousand times. I think I'd rather watch all of Season Seven.
At least "Smashed" had some amusing Trio action going for it, trying valiantly to cancel out the ridiculous Buffy/Spike sex.
But this...holy Jesus. Whose brilliant fucking idea was it to turn magic into drugs? It was Marti, right, we blame everything on Marti? Those scenes where Willow trips out? Completely. Fucking. Ridiculous. What the motherfucking hell were they thinking? (Although I kind of liked the trip-hoppy song in the background. Anyone know what it was?)
And when did magic become something you could do just by waving your hand? This shit started in "Smashed," but now Willow can give English commands to cars and make them work? Why did they throw away five solid years of magic continuity?
I knew it was coming, but there is no other reaction but to want to bitchslap the fucking hell out of Willow. I mean, I've wanted to punch her for most of this season, as they've been building up to this. She used to be so likable.
At least I'll be able to suppress the urge to bitchslap come "Villains," cause at least then she has some sort of valid reason to go nuts with the magic, but gah. I don't remember having this much of a reaction the first time I watched it.
And "In Loving Memory of J.D. Peralta"? Who's J.D. Peralta? I'm sure he deserves better than this episode for his loving memory.
God, this episode makes me ashamed to be a Buffy fan. Hell, it makes me ashamed for Buffy fans everywhere.
At least "Smashed" had some amusing Trio action going for it, trying valiantly to cancel out the ridiculous Buffy/Spike sex.
Oh dear. I thought the Buffy/Spike bringing the house down sex was rather hot. It wasn't as hot as Angel feeding off Buffy in
Graduation Day,
but it worked for me.
(I am trying to write in the, been-here-a-while trying-to-help-out-a-new-comer tone of voice.)
J.D. was Marti's assistant and a much loved member of the crew. When you read stories about the cast being upset because there'd been a death among the crew, her death is the one. Your comment is a little insensitive (or perhaps I'm overly sensitive, or both), seeing that a real human died, and was one who was loved by the people involved in making that episode.