'The Train Job'
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
She killed *two* ubervamps. Don't tell me she didn't die heroically.
damn allergies
Don't tell me she didn't die heroically.
Yes. She also lived like the selfish, vengeful bitch she was for a thousand years. Die Anya! Die. Die again!
*runs away*
*runs back in*
And I'm glad Xander left her at the altar. Ha!
*runs away again*
I'm drinking fruit punch right now, AIFG. Well okay, I'm not. But I can!
Re: the age difference. It's not like that really interfered before. I mean, look at Buffy's boyfriends:
Angel: She was 15. He was well over 200, and even if you take his shape rather than his years, in his mid-twenties at least. Riley: She was 18 (freshman). He was a Psychology grad student and army guy. That puts him at at least 22, probably 23 (I don't think we ever got his age). Five years ain't nothin. Spike: See Angel above.
I mean, sure, 15-year-old dating a 21-year-old (maybe 22-year-old) is probably a little intense, but not especially. Joined by the heat of the battle, etc.
Still, can't really blame the writers on this one: I don't think they expected Kennedy to be such a boring character, and once it was obvious, it was to late.
Yes. She also lived like the selfish, vengeful bitch she was for a thousand years. Die Anya! Die. Die again!
Tsk, look what happens when the hate festers in your heart? Crazy talk.
Well Kennedy wasn't 15, so it wasn't an issue. But Amanda was. It would have been gross. It's not the 7 years, or whatever size the gap. It's which years are at either end of the gap. 18 and 25 doesn't bother me. 15 and 22 does.
Tsk, look what happens when the hate festers in your heart? Crazy talk.
Hee! I actually enjoyed Anya when they weren't having her be a one-note joke. I may have cried when she died. I didn't feel like she was robbed of a full life, the way I did about Tara, though. I also thought the show built a funny morality around her, that didn't fit with her character.
Spike was written to be bad for Buffy, and I get that, accept it, agree with it. But somehow, it was fine for Xander to be with someone who was so unrepentant, for so long. Anya didn't even start to become one of the good guys until she was devengified in season 7's Selfless. Until then, in my book, Anya was a dry drunk, in much the same way Chipped!Spike was, but she was generally written as a white hat, a clueless-not-getting-it-all white hat, but a white-hat, still.