She gives me chills, more than any woman that's been on Buffy. She made me cry as much as anything else did.
Her "Oh ... this? This was what I was meant to do? Move over -- you're in my way." acceptance, shaking off the confusion that landed her at Buffy's desk in the first place to say "Save the world? I can try .."
Loved her.
She killed *two* ubervamps. Don't tell me she didn't die heroically.
Don't tell me she didn't die heroically.
Yes. She also lived like the selfish, vengeful bitch she was for a thousand years. Die Anya! Die. Die again!
*runs away*
*runs back in*
And I'm glad Xander left her at the altar. Ha!
*runs away again*
I'm drinking fruit punch right now, AIFG. Well okay, I'm not. But I can!
Re: the age difference. It's not like that really interfered before. I mean, look at Buffy's boyfriends:
Angel: She was 15. He was well over 200, and even if you take his shape rather than his years, in his mid-twenties at least.
Riley: She was 18 (freshman). He was a Psychology grad student and army guy. That puts him at at least 22, probably 23 (I don't think we ever got his age). Five years ain't nothin.
Spike: See Angel above.
I mean, sure, 15-year-old dating a 21-year-old (maybe 22-year-old) is probably a little intense, but not especially. Joined by the heat of the battle, etc.
Still, can't really blame the writers on this one: I don't think they expected Kennedy to be such a boring character, and once it was obvious, it was to late.
Yes. She also lived like the selfish, vengeful bitch she was for a thousand years. Die Anya! Die. Die again!
Tsk, look what happens when the hate festers in your heart? Crazy talk.