Tara trying to save Dark Willow--though that might have been too much of a reflection of Buffy/Angelus. Still, the theme of the season was "Back to the beginning," wasn't it? And this time it would have been a battle for the soul of a core Scoobie. We could have gotten lovely debate on souls not equaling good.
But I'm not an ME writer.
I think having Willow be crazy/evil for substantially longer than she was would've irrevocably removed the character from people's sympathies. They needed to have it take place over a short enough period of time and with enough understandable triggers that Willow could come back from the brink.
I think having Willow be crazy/evil for substantially longer than she was would've irrevocably removed the character from people's sympathies.
If they had done it right, I think it would have increased sympathy, like with Faith in S3 and S4.
Somebody explain to me why I was stupid enough to go read the TWOP recap of "The Body." I mean, all it did was make me real sad. What was the point?
I guess I'm just dumb.
Because you like pain? That ep makes me want to curl up in a ball for days.
They needed to have it take place over a short enough period of time and with enough understandable triggers that Willow could come back from the brink.
But if the arc had ended with Willow dead.... That's the one place ME never really went in BtVS -- killing one of the core group. The closest they came was when Oz and Giles left, and even those happened because the actors wanted it.
On the other hand, if you thought there was an outcry about Dead Lesbians when Tara died....
Still, the theme of the season was "Back to the beginning," wasn't it?
That was the theme for season 7. I don't remember what the stated theme was in season 6. I do remember the writers saying something about the mistakes you make in your 20's as an example of what they were going for.
And in OAFA, she's the one who played Mama Bear to protect Buffy from Spike, and Willow from Anya.
That may have been my favorite Tara moment.
Put some ice on it.
I think having Willow be crazy/evil for substantially longer than she was would've irrevocably removed the character from people's sympathies. They needed to have it take place over a short enough period of time and with enough understandable triggers that Willow could come back from the brink.
I just wish that all had been different—that they'd stuck to metaphor (or analogy) than having an actual addiction to magic story. I could have licked Giles when he pooh-poohed it away with a line, in the beginning of S7 (of course, I'd lick him, anyhow).
I think Willow was irrevocably removed from some people's sympathies. I'm not a Willow hater, but the flaying, and the extreme cruelty to Dawn and Buffy turned off Willow-loving bits of me, that never turned back on. I wish her S6 arc had been better paced. Early spoiler rumors had her getting involved with Warren, Jonathan and Andrew (not romantically, cuz ewww). I wonder if they'd had a slower build to a different kind of Dark Willow, if it would have worked better for me.
I'm not sure they even needed to kill Tara. Willow's break up with Oz set a good precedent with the character, for her having a problem with rejection. I think it might have been interesting to have her go dark for a less dramatic reason (jealousy rather than murder), and then have to deal (in S7) with knowing she'd broken whatever could have been salvageable between her and Tara. I also would have liked to see Tara hang around, and not be Willow's girl, while Willow was trying to rebuild her life, and mend fences. And I would have liked to see them both date other women. They could have ended up together at the finale.
I don't remember what the stated theme was in season 6.
I believe it was stated by Joss as "Oh, grow up!" [x-post with Cindy]
They could have ended up together at the finale.
After Kennedy got snacked on by an uber-vamp, right?