No, that was the equally painful "you'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me" scene. I don't think anyone but the audience knew how much the Faith incident bothered her.
Yes, and that's what makes it extra ow-y to me. Seeing her crying alone in the bathroom breaks me every time. Been there, cried that.
On an almost completely different topic, how did I not know that Buffy's mom is married to Paul's cousin (from Mad About You)?
how did I not know that Buffy's mom is married to Paul's cousin
Joyce and Ira? I didn't know that either.
Sigh. I wish the Season 6 DVDs would just come out already. I want to watch "Once More With Feeling" on a big screen with awesome sound, and I want to do it now.
Sigh. I wish the Season 6 DVDs would just come out already. I want to watch "Once More With Feeling" on a big screen with awesome sound, and I want to do it now.
I should check to see if the Roxie Theater would run it here in SF. They've done other shows from television, like The Simpsons with a presentation from David Silverman. Also some rare TV noir. I know OMWF on the big screen would sell out.
I know OMWF on the big screen would sell out.
Oh that would be so much fun. I went to the cheesetastically wonderful and entertaining Sound of Music sing-along last year; had a ball. OMWF on the big screen w/ a bunch o' fans? Whee!
Most. Fun. Ever. Stop making me want to move.
Oh Hec - if you could swing that, count me in!!!
We should start a movement to get it into second run theatres. I would see it as many times as I could.
Side note: tonight, to avoid the press conference, I went to one of my favorite gay bars/restaurants for dinner. I knew that I could count on them to have videos or porn, not the conference. Anyway, had a Buffy Burger -- burger is marinated in red wine, then on a bun with garlic, ceasar dressing, cheese, lettuce, tomato. YUM
I liked Tara alot, but was kinda happy when she died. Because, from a storytelling standpoint it a) had to happen and b) still took guts to actually do.
I disagree. There's only so many times you can play the "they just got happy again, so now we're going to break them up/kill one of them" card. I could see it coming a mile away because by S6 that was ME's pattern. In seasons 1-5 the tragedy always felt real to me. In S6 there was so much and it was so constant that I knew nobody was going to be happy for more than two episodes and it no longer felt organic.
Also, it was very apparent that the ONLY reason they did it was to bring on Dark Willow and it felt forced and clumsy. I don't think it had to happen and the gutsier thing to do would be to have Tara and Willow deal with their relationship and not to have EVERY relationship on the show end in death or leaving town.
However, Dark Willow running around for half a season would have been pretty cool.