I mean...she was nice. It's easy to write a nice character. Over time they made her more complex, and Amber's performance was so heartfelt that she did occupy an important emotional core in the show. But a Quotable Tara thread would have exactly five lines in it, maybe.
I'm not sure what triggered it, but at some point after Willow cured Glory's mindwipe, Tara got tough -- and that's what made her interesting. Especially since her toughness played out in a very maternal way.
In "Smashed" -- even after she moved out and couldn't be held morally responsible for Dawn -- she took Dawn out to dinner, made a remark about eating her vegetables, and (well, ok, not exactly intentionally) stayed the night while guardians Buffy and Willow were off elsewheres without even a "hi, I'll be in late" phone call.
At the end of -- was it "Gone"? -- she's the one Buffy told about sleeping with Spike. And she did a damn good combo of "let Mommy hold you and make it better" and actually do something about it.
And in OAFA, she's the one who played Mama Bear to protect Buffy from Spike, and Willow from Anya.
If Tara had lived, she'd likely have taken Joyce's place. As in the Joyce who hit Spike with an ax in "School Hard."
If Tara had lived, she'd likely have taken Joyce's place. As in the Joyce who hit Spike with an ax in "School Hard."
As you note, I think she already was occupying that space. And that's the emotional core I allude to.
I guess I'd much rather have Tara as a real person friend (who I would love dearly) than watch her on a TV show.
Funnily enough, I think the genesis point for that change in her character also involved an ax—burying one in Razer's back in "Bargaining, Pt. 2." I'd begun to feel strong sympathy for Tara around the time of "The Body," but that was the moment I started loving her.
Huh. Interesting. Maybe it was the summer without Buffy that made Tara strong.
For half a season of Dark Willow? Hell yes! Bye Tara!
What Rayne said. Willow should have turned dark much earlier in the season, like the way Angel did.
Yes, this. Oh, the possibilities! I'm not one to root for the big bad, but Dark Willow was just deliciously evil. The fight with Buffy was just....neat. "Oh, Buffy. You really need to have every square inch of your ass kicked." Hee!
Hmm... I liked the Mayor too, so maybe I am one to root for the big bad.
I found myself identifying with Darla (surprisingly, since she's always been a sort of null space for me on both shows) in FFL, when she replies to Dru's nattering with "Good point" and a clear expression of "I am so alone in this group, what with my possessing a brain..." Absolutely priceless look on the actress's face, took me back to so many early friendships.
Wow. Oz leaving Willow still makes my eyes leak. Huh. Those two - AH and SG, that is - were really just damn good working together. They made me believe, the did.
No, that was the equally painful "you'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me" scene. I don't think anyone but the audience knew how much the Faith incident bothered her.
Yes, and that's what makes it extra ow-y to me. Seeing her crying alone in the bathroom breaks me every time. Been there, cried that.
On an almost completely different topic, how did I not know that Buffy's mom is married to Paul's cousin (from Mad About You)?
how did I not know that Buffy's mom is married to Paul's cousin
Joyce and Ira? I didn't know that either.