I was thinking about this last night and realized that another one of those moments for me was Angel in the hospital being confronted by X, W, and G in Graduation Day. Everyone looking at you like their lives would be so much better if you weren't in them causing them grief and trouble even when you didn't mean to? Yeah, I've been there.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
I let out a whoop of joy when Tara got shot & I repeated it every time it was in a previously and/or flashback.
joe b, you and my DH are of one mind in this.
I'm with Jenny G., but honestly most of my identify moments weren't weird, they were times the viewer was supposed to identify. I think. Although maybe identifying with Andrew in oven mitts getting my butt kicked in the kitchen.
"weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Xander in Fear, Itself. 'Cause I've had dreams where no one seemed to pay any attention. Very, very creepy and scary.
Also, Anya. 'Cause I often make jokes in groups, whether they're appropriate or not, and can attest to the awkwardness when they aren't.
Weirdest identification moment? Tara's insect reflection joke.
"weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Scary-veiny Willow, trying to destroy the world.
"weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Oz flipping through Giles' record collection and pulling out the VU.
Spike getting out of the wheelchair.
Weirdest identification moment? Tara's insect reflection joke.
Do you now make jokes about your own insect reflection jokes? Because I do.
And, okay, it's not weird by any stretch of the imagination, but -- the wee Softball!Slayer in "Chosen."
Weirdest identification moment? Tara's insect reflection joke.
Do you now make jokes about your own insect reflection jokes? Because I do.
Oh, yes. Fortunately, chatty!co-worker laughs at *those,* because he gets that they're mocking in a meta way, even though he didn't laugh at the original insect reflection jokes.