I feel like you're being purposefully obtuse about this subject for reasons that baffle me.
I feel the same way. Telling does NOT mean Talking.
Has Giles EVER, in 7 seasons, said "I love you, Buffy"?
Does anyone doubt that, at least for the first 6 seasons, he does? (Cause he's been Weirdo McWeirdypants this season.)
I did pull this from the AH interview in the link:
That and the Hooters comment were what stood out in my mind. Oh, and the mental image of college girl kissing.
I don't give a rodent's rear about set tensions, I fear.
Although I do get a happy when members of the cast and crew refer to one another with affection and respect.
It's not the set tensions that bugged me, I mean, its a workplace, granted a unique one, but there are always tensions there. I just wondered if she's truly the evil wench the star thing makes her out to be...although it is a tabloid.
Offtopic: What does the "A" in "Fuckin' A" stand for?
Except that this right here is one of the basic principles of "show, don't tell," balzacq!
Except that that scene didn't tell us anything OR show us anything. It just wasted time on a visual joke stretched out too long.
Which is (getting back to the original argument) an example of what I would consider Bad Writing.
Telling Not Showing is merely one type of Bad Writing, not the only type; and it seems like the latter is the position you're advocating.
(Oops -- I'm telling you how I feel. I must be Bad... :-)
Has Giles EVER, in 7 seasons, said "I love you, Buffy"?
Does anyone doubt that, at least for the first 6 seasons, he does?
I'm not sure. He's come close (notably at the beginning of FFL - but that was showing at it's highest). And that's a great example, Teppy. Because if Giles said that now (well, at the end of S6) - I wouldn't feel like yelling, "You're TELLING" because it's been well established by his actions throughout the years. In the same vein, when Quentin told Giles, "You have a father's love for the child, Rupert," that's a telling that worked, because it had already been shown, in Helpless itself, and in the series as a whole.
Ass I think...but that really makes no sense. Perhaps asshole?
Offtopic: What does the "A" in "Fuckin' A" stand for?
Arse or arshole
But of course, it's used so that that makes no sense. But that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
*thinks Betsy is baiting the tipsy person*
*doesn't mind*
mmmm worms