Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Micole, I agree that we can assume those things, but the fact that we have to assume anything here is the problem I see with the writing this season.
Oh no. I wouldn't have assumed that at all till last night, when Anya told us that was why she was staying. I meant that as an example of showing that didn't work, or of too little being shown for us to draw the intended conclusion from the actions themselves.
I thought she went after the supplies because she's in love with noir thrillers, and Andrew hit her wannabe-Lauren-Bacall-on-a-daring-mission kink.
Oh, and my further problems with the speechifying and a lot of this season in general wasn't that it violated "Show, Don't Tell".
Rather, that it violated "For Chrissake move the plot along instead of wasting whole cumulative hours on stuff that could have taken mere minutes to get across to us."
Except that this right here is one of the basic principles of "show, don't tell," balzacq!
(I know, I said I'mma leaving, but I caught this comment and wanted to point out that you hit the "show" nail right on the head.)
(And as Allyson pointed out, this *is* interesting, even with the heated emotions and conflict, and I'mma only step out to doblerize, I be back later)
balzaqc - I think actually those examples are very much examples of when the writers showed, rather than told.
(eta - the above was a cross post with Sean - I'm not piling on you, balzaqc)
Great commentary folks. I have only one ...... that the Buffy/Angel kiss appeared to me to be only one of old friends re-uniting. I didn't get anything really erotic from it. Loved the look on Spike's face at the end. That is all. Looking bitterlysweet forward to next week.
Here's the thing about Buffy and Angel - and I'm not a shipper (though I once came close, but it was long ago, and over the sea...)
You know - when you see them (or I do) that if there was no curse, they'd be together. Yes, they'd fight and shag and everything else Spike said. But if circumstances were different, they'd be on each other like white on rice. So when they kiss, even if it's more friendly in tone (although I got the rising music and the rising...music vibe out of it) - even that tells you much - as opposed to Spike and Buffy's stilted scene in
t memfault
last week's episode, when they switched positions dependent upon who was talking.
they'd be on each other like white on rice
What the hell does that mean, anyhow?
I mean, white on rice? I've never really gotten that.
Not going to get in to the whole SMG/AH dispute, if indeed there is one, but I did pull this from the AH interview in the link:
What is the right amount of sex ?
AH: When your muscles never recover, so that you always have a persistent aching muscle of some sort. When the next day you're like, "Why is that muscle hurting ? Oh yeah, that's why."
Rice has this powdery white stuff on the surface. Maybe it's rice powder?
am drinking merlot, because I've been a stress freak for the past week. If I misued stilted I am heartfully sorry for sinning against mine Buffistas, and am hie-ing myself to dictionary.com to check it, right now.
I just wonder if it's true. Is SMG really evil? Cause that's sad, she's what got me into BtVS in the first place and I've always loved her...it would be very upsetting if she is more Kathryn of Cruel Intentions than Buffy.
What the hell does that mean, anyhow?
I mean, white on rice? I've never really gotten that.
Moooommmmmm! Plei's picking on me when I'm tipsy.
Actually, I have always taken it to mean that since rice (you know, the white kind) is white, it is synononononohmous to "all over" each other.
(no - I currently *CAN'T* spell synonymous)