I got the final Buffy 3 post.
Ha-ha! t /Muntz
Lorne ,'Smile Time'
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
I got the final Buffy 3 post.
Ha-ha! t /Muntz
Deb, one of the reasons I bought it (why she didn't manage to throw him off right away) was that she'd *just* been injured and was a little off her game, and when he caught her off guard, she hit her back in the same place she'd hit it before, which gave him enough time to get the advantage. She was able to recollect and toss him off, but it took a few seconds of clearing the physical pain, and another few of clearing the emotional shock before she was able to do that.
From the previous thread....
On a completely unrelated note, was I the only one who responded to Giles saying "M-glottal stop" by saying, "like mmmmm . .. . cookies"?
I did, too! And then I tried to say an M with a glottal stop. I failed miserably.
9 of 9 that is. And quit hogging the posts Dan.
I went back and made the second one more useful.
Crap. Was hoping for under twenty.
I'll settle for a blackjack.
it would have made a tremedous difference if it had been Xander, and not Spike, who stayed up holding Buffy all night in a non-romantic show of support--especially after they've played the metaphor all season of Buffy bringiing everything inside her house, and Xander constantly repairing the hosue, until Xander basically couldn't keep up with the damage andBuffy bringing so much inside the house that there was no room anymore for her.
Another WTF moment for me and amyth: Buffy telling Spike AND Xander that they were her source of strength. Next she'll be telling Angel that. If she tells Andrew...
A. seems like B would get different things from Xander and Spike
B. internal strength is a nice thing, too. especially in a slayer.
eta I really like the post, in addition to using it as a jumping off point.
It's kind of appropriate that the last live thread with be 4. It's making me all schmoopy-nostalgic for our core four. (Remember them?)
Another WTF moment for me and amyth: Buffy telling Spike AND Xander that they were her source of strength. Next she'll be telling Angel that. If she tells Andrew...
"You are my source of geek..."
From the third:
But, you know, Marti and whoever is in the room make lots of suggestions and they don't get done.
I just realized I sounded like Blame Marti! No, I know that every script is a concerted effort, that it passes through many hands, after many minds break the arcs and episodes, together.
My Pointy McPoint is that the writers decided that the Worst Possible Thing Spike could do was to try to rape Buffy. It was the Ultimate Piece of Shit Maneuver.
But amongst so many minds, not one little voice said, "How are we gonna recover from this? This is the Worst of the Worst, so we're gonna have to come up with the Best of the Best to recover."?
Little was done to recover, from our Hero's perspective. Spike went and done got a soul, and that was that. More time has been spent watching SiTs stumble through smoke than has spent dealing with the Worst Possible Thing that happened between two main characters, perhaps THE main characters.
So, this is only related to Buffy by the slimmest of tangents, but--
OB's office calls me yesterday with test results. Diabetes test is fine, but it turns out I'm anemic, so I need to start taking iron pills. I buy the brand they recommend, despite the fact that it is named Slow FE. I fear that, if the whole Caleb thing doesn't work out, the FE is already working another angle. If I start getting uberstrength and black irises, I'll tell you.