Even though Giles had a love/hate relationship with the Council, I do think that he saw them, and not the Slayer, as humanity's last line of defense.
Maybe in S1, but this is not the Giles I thought I was seeing in S2-5. After S2, I always thought Giles was grudgingly to proudly on board with Buffy's unconventional way of doing things.
I just can't buy any Gileswank. To me, Giles was written as a jerk to push Buffy to Spike.
So while Chosen can't make sense of everthing that confused and angered me about the second half of S7, it did set right the things I most care about in a very satisfying manner.
I, too, was one of the ones that started with it, and finished with it, and it's a good feeling to have done that with a show that wasn't cancelled unrisen.
I always wanted it done in season seven. I just didn't want it over ...
Do these ideas seem to have any merit?
It's lonely at the top? It's what Buffy's been struggling with since her resurrection. I thought it was all spelled out during the musical (all those minor keys). The whole of vampdom to me is lonliness (an expansion of the catholic purgatory where one mourns the loss of the face of God ... or hell ... where one knows one will nver see the face of God again). with Vampdom .... one may never love again throughout the eternity of their existence. Evil depends on lovelessness - yes?
I got a favor to ask, could someone please nilly links to the posts (or even the articles themselves) that got posted. I was all spoilery resistant but I'd love to be able to find them and go back and read them.
Ifn you deleted because you weren't saying what you meant to say, Micole, then c'est la vie. But I hope you weren't feeling attacked or under pressure to defend yourself, because of my responses.
Hi, Julie. Thanks for checking in. I didn't feel attacked, and I appreciate your thoughtful responses to my posts. I didn't actually delete my main post; I deleted a complaint about having been inadvertantly spoiled for some key elements of the finale, which was irrelevant and, um, really bitchy. Because that was more about me being in a lousy mood than about making a contribution to the conversation.
I shall have to meara a response to a lot of the great things people have been saying later this week, because today's going to be really hectic for me. Nothing to do with feeling chased out of the conversation. I don't feel like that at all.
I'm so glad I wasn't spoiled and had no clue about Spike. There has been much discussion of the Buffy/Spike connection from the beginning. Now they are both free.
I am so content and satisfied. Thank you Joss.
Loved the finale. Not OMWF love, but it fealt good. One bit Liked was Dawn kicking Buffy in the shin. Buffy, "OK, but if you die, I'm telling."
Kat, this is a good link for a lot of the finale articles:
Hey, Ted, I love your list, except for:
Get it Done C I remember little about it, never a good sign.
Shadow puppets, slayer dream, Spike retrieving his coat, "they chained her to the earth", Willow briefly becoming BlackHaired!Willow again. One of my favorite episodes of the season, though few others seem to like it much.
I, too, was one of the ones that started with it, and finished with it, and it's a good feeling to have done that with a show that wasn't cancelled unrisen.
And a good feeling to still feel a great deal of love for the show. Yeah, I'm still working on getting rid of the residual X-Files bitterness.