I read all 600andsomeodd messages, so I'm a little late.
Loved it.
I have to clean house a bit, and I think I'm going to throw in some of my DVDs to keep me company. I'm going to be in a sad state when I have all the DVDs, watching them every Tuesday at 7, trying to relive the past 7 years.
you know what is ironic? (spoiler) I was spoiled for Spike on Angel next season, so it was a complete surprise to me when he died!
the only time that I got sniffly was "the world is definitely doomed". I also questioned that the Ubervamps seemed easier to kill, but I fanwank that by saying that they weren't really ready to come up yet, so they were weaker.
LOVED the Faith/Wood scene. Shrieked with laughter.
Never been a huge fan of Anya, but her death hurt.
Still hated Kennedy. Still wanted her to die.
I'm irritated that we never got any closure about freaky Giles and Eye of Botox. I thought that Buffy was going to have to give up her power to equal the scales and weaken The First. I was wrong. But isn't the scale tipped even further to the good side now?
This is the show I missed. Every scene clever dialogue, Character interaction that makes you feel something, even if it's bleagh. I was glad to hate things because I didnt' like the characters or the idea (i.e. Kennedy and/or Spuffy), not because it was badly written.
This is the show I missed. Every scene clever dialogue, Character interaction that makes you feel something, even if it's bleagh. I was glad to hate things because I didnt' like the characters or the idea (i.e. Kennedy and/or Spuffy), not because it was badly written.
Yes. Not enough yesses to emphasise the yesness of the yes.
Can't we lay off the spoilers in the thread?
I was unclear. I know and see the emotional metaphors that each of the plotlines enacts; what I don't see is the plotlines working as plots. They seem to set up actions and they certainly set up my expectations--and then they are easily resolved, without consequences following.
And Buffy is indeed an inspiration to her friends and loved ones, she has been since the first season; but the show is predicated around her also as the hero, the one who takes the heroic action, and for two seasons the action climax has been someone else's heroic action rather than the protagonist's. And I think that's a pretty severe structural problem.
but the show is predicated around her also as the hero, the one who takes the heroic action, and for two seasons the action climax has been someone else's heroic action rather than the protagonist's.
And I think that's a pretty severe structural problem
... or joss breaking the mould on the "hero's journey" archetype?!?
Buffy's still a hero. (She's still my hero.) And this is still her journey.
Spike would never have done what he did without the Buffy-effect. That tells me a hella lotta about Buffy, and her journey.
Also, one of the things a hero learns is that they aren't the only solution, and theirs isn't the only path. Allowing Spike to make his own way is part of Buffy's journey.
I don't think I have anything new to add. Loved SydneyCarton!Spike. (See new tagline.) Got sniffly over the little softball slayer.
It's a measure of how much impact this episode had on me that I completely forgot to change the channel to the baseball game afterward until DH reminded me about half an hour later. I mean, y'all know how I am about my Mariners.
I'll miss this show.
A lot.
Wow. Susan forgot the Mariners.
I didn't get sniffly until I read Susan's tag! (For posterity: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.")
Buffy's smile at the end. Weary, wise, and happy. Just about says it all for me.
LOVED that Spike just came right out with "what where you doing kissing Angel".
Joss wuvs us.