but the show is predicated around her also as the hero, the one who takes the heroic action, and for two seasons the action climax has been someone else's heroic action rather than the protagonist's.
And I think that's a pretty severe structural problem
... or joss breaking the mould on the "hero's journey" archetype?!?
Buffy's still a hero. (She's still my hero.) And this is still her journey.
Spike would never have done what he did without the Buffy-effect. That tells me a hella lotta about Buffy, and her journey.
Also, one of the things a hero learns is that they aren't the only solution, and theirs isn't the only path. Allowing Spike to make his own way is part of Buffy's journey.
I don't think I have anything new to add. Loved SydneyCarton!Spike. (See new tagline.) Got sniffly over the little softball slayer.
It's a measure of how much impact this episode had on me that I completely forgot to change the channel to the baseball game afterward until DH reminded me about half an hour later. I mean, y'all know how I am about my Mariners.
I'll miss this show.
A lot.
Wow. Susan forgot the Mariners.
I didn't get sniffly until I read Susan's tag! (For posterity: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.")
Buffy's smile at the end. Weary, wise, and happy. Just about says it all for me.
LOVED that Spike just came right out with "what where you doing kissing Angel".
Joss wuvs us.
Did anyone actually SEE Kennedy on the bus? I didn't. And she had no scene with Willow afterward. Now, granted, she didn't belong in the final shots, but, are we sure she survived?
Now, granted, she didn't belong in the final shots, but, are we sure she survived?
she'll show up in the movie, 'cause God hates me.
but, are we sure she survived?
ya know, we can just lalalano!la that one if'n it helps you sleep at night :)
I've kind of liked Kennedy, but it has taken some effort. Tonight, it was a lot easier. I'd feel bad for Willow if she died. Apparently, Willow likes where Kennedy wears her stud.
caught up
I expected to be disapointed. I was not. My biggest problem - it made people laugh to much - so I missed lines.
Dh's brother's first show was the final -- he knows he missed a lot - but he enjoyed it.
I t is killing me that there won't be another show.
but we have already started to plan a rewatch...starting with season 1 ...
but I am in pain.