Because J. watches 24 I won't be back to comment until 10. Which is just as well because I'm sure it will take at least that long to pull myself together.
And may I say how fond I am of all of you (including those I've fought with).
But the Buffyverse continues on Angel (thank The Powers That Be).
Like I said before, I saw BEER BAD first and understandably ignored the show for a few more weeks until I started reading the TT threads and realized maybe I should check it out again. R*ley bugged me but there was some great stuff in mid-s4 that got me hooked. This was before there were DVDs and Kazaa and all, and I couldn't afford the tapes, so I went to the Museum of Broadcasting and watched what I could. They were missing a LOT. Each week it was different--THE HARVEST was being watched by somebody else, THE ZEPPO was misfiled, PASSION PART I was there but whoops, PART II was being conserved, can you wait a couple of months? etc. etc. It was hard but finally with the help of the museums, the video store, and a cable connection, I saw them all. But the mix of when I started and seeing everything out of order made it a little harder to see the big picture until I started reading other people's takes on it. I still don't take it too seriously, especially after seeing the seminars at the Museum that revealed how lightly many of the actors and creative staff take the show to begin with. However, I'm glad I stuck with it and I'm thrilled to be watching here with you.
Here we go...tick tick boom!
I hearby open the
Final Post'n'Watch Of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
May I not be the only one here, may everyone's vcrs tape, feeds behave, electricity stay stable and cable remain unmolested as we bid a fond farewell.
Top off the scotch and grab the kleenex!
mmm....I was kinda hoping Previously would do some sort of every episode flashback Gift-esque type thingy....
I've got the tape going and I'm watching and posting with you!
Hullo, sarameg!
Ooh! The W&H file, and an Amends reference!
Last opening credits ever--that beam of light across Xander's left eye is rather squicksome now.
Caleb's head is still on...
"Enough basking!"
Told ya so.
Last credits. Ever!
Sue! Caroma! Hobgobble!
I'm taping too. Even though I rarely rewatch. Because I'll need to.
Nothing different in the credits.
When did the First try to convince Angel to kill himself?