We could be a VIP post away from such a scenario.
Highly freaking unlikely.
Given that we haven't had a VIP post in ages, interest in the shows will wane as it moves into re-runville, and the best-case scenario is we have ONE ME show on the air next season.
Trudy, the person requesting that a warning is issued has to provide proof (cite posts, etc) when making the request. How are 10 people going to fake that up?
Remember the last time a VIP posted and the board trippled?
ME has a new show and it could happen all over again.
AND, there has to be an ignored request to discuss it in-thread.
I'm like Plei -- I can't express my reluctance at the idea of a vote (4 day discussion 3 day poll) for a freaking WARNING.
Who approves the case that they make?
Ten people could decide that the word "cunt" is a problem. Suddenly, it would be policy for the board?
ME has a new show and it could happen all over again.
That's only because it was Joss posting.
Tim posting never made people seek out the place.
Joss is unlikely to post again. He may or may not ever do another TV show; who knows? As it stands, however, we're more likely to see a drop off rather than an increase in users.
Remember the last time a VIP posted and the board trippled?
That was Joss, Trudy. Joss is completely different than anyone or anything else.
So what we
is for Joss to never ever post here again?
I think ten is too easy, there are plenty of groups of ten here. Why not a group of twenty or thirty?
So what we want is for Joss to never ever post here again?
I'm confused about this statement.
Why not a group of twenty or thirty?
Why not 802?
Well, whereas 10 seems too easy, 802 seems a mite too difficult.
20 or 30 is a bit closer to 10 and yet unlikely to be people over a beer who got annoyed with Poster X and three days later flip out when X says something obnoxious yet not outrageous.