I subbed to Procedurals recently to follow any discussion on Castle, but really have not gotten invested in the conversation there as much as I have elsewhere. I'm not saying it could sustain its own thread or am even saying it should - just that buckets don't work well for someone (ok, fine - me) who follows only one or two shows that fits that genre.
I can't explain why what goes in Boxed Set never clicked in my head. Now that I'm looking at the headers, even Cable Drama explains what Boxed Set has.
I guess I'm more drawn to the show specific threads, which really doesn't help in this discussion. I know the break off of Supernatural was drama filled, but I'm glad it is on its own.
Dang, I feel like I just talked myself into a big circle.
Okay, I had a thought. What about tagging posts within bucket threads for shows? That way there'd be a way for someone to call up the posts for a specific show and read only those. Is it possible? Too much work? Would people use it?
ETS: I'm thinking labelling more than tagging, so it would be controlled to only show titles.
ita, just to be clear, I love cross-pollination (though I found Leverage via Natter rather than a TV bucket); I just don't love the spoiler aspect. Talking about many SFF shows at once is awesome, but I can't keep up the day of airing. That's why I mentioned the one week whitefont thing. Believe me, I would
to be able to lurk/participate in BS. I have no desire to abolish it. I just am trying to find a way to participate in it.
that would make wrestling a Boxed Set topic if that's the guiding principle
Yet another strike against the practicality of having a third party make our decisions.
That's why I mentioned the one week whitefont thing
And it's something that kills a thread for me, so I won't come down in favour of it.
Too much work?
For developers
readers? I think so.
Yeah. Intellectually, I love the thought of tagging. Practicality? Too damn much work. The only place I'd like to see tags would be the ability to tag marked posts as I mark them. Which, I could toddle over to BBaBB and ask?
I always try to trust the the first new post about a new ep will alert me to a new ep since I watch evrythng via Tivo. It kind of sucks when there is a HUGE spoiler (a la House this week) in the first few posts, even though it's my own fault for not being more careful.
The more I read the more I find myself coming down on ita's angle - I don't think it's a problem that it's not always obvious, and that you sometimes find parallel discussions or have to ask where to find something. Particularly not with the new Film & TV discussions link showing on the page any time you're in any TV thread.
I don't have any strong feelings, really, wrt single show v. buckets. I get more out of SPN as a separate thread because I keep unsubbing from Boxed Set all the time when I get behind, but I also like the cross-show talk both there and in Natter. For the low traffic threads, I think I actually floated closing some of them about six months or a year ago, and was convinced otherwise. I don't think I'd be on board with more new threads just to sort out some overlapping definitions.
Re tagging: if I'm trying to find discussion I think I've missed, it's usually easy enough to search either by the name of the show or sometimes major character names to find where things come up. Shrug. I don't see an issue, but obviously some people see it otherwise. But I can't remember to tag my once a month lj posts, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to do it for show talk with any reliability.
Day-of-week or by network threads would be totally unmanagable via Tivo, for me anyway, since I no longer really know when or when anything is on unless they're the few shows I race home to watch in real time.
I wonder if we could clarify what we're actually talking about? I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what the actual proposal is here - what we're going to be voting on.
I don't feel the need for any changes.
Were changes to be made, I would find show-specific threads (such as the SPN thread) a better option than piling everything together into one thread. (The downside is the further fragmentation of the community, I guess, but it seems to me that we're already pretty damn fragmented.)
But I don't think it's broke or needs fixing right now, myself.
I think that the only change should be the addition of a drama thread :)