Have we thought about adding a site map?
A site map would end up having to be dynamically generated and look much like information you can gain through an extra click. If you don't know if a show goes in Procedurals vs. Cable Drama, which seems to be what GC suggests, then a site map, even with slug
thread description showing, isn't going to be much help.
I just don't see the problem with asking. Shir asked me the other day where FIrefly/Serenity discussion went, and it was no skin off my nose to ferret her out the link--but it seemed obvious to me she thought asking was simpler for her than checking the TV folder, and would a site map (being about as far away as the TV folder) have helped there?
During a watch and post it would be easy enough to highlight-as-you-go
Unless you're using an iPhone.
You latte-drinking, socialism-loving, puppy-eating iPhone users deserve a little strife.
t /jealous non-iPhone-haver
In terms of the threads named in this discussion other than Boxed Set, I don't see the need to close them just because they're low traffic.
In terms of Boxed Set, I don't see why Chuck should be in there, but I can't speak to Kings or Cupid, since I don't watch those. Those do seem to be two types of shows where it's not clear to everyone that they belong in Boxed Set, though.
I can see where AU shouldn't automatically mean Boxed Set - I mean if physics and biology work in Kings the way they do in our, uh, U, and the fact that it's an AU isn't part of the meat of the show (as in, addressed directly within the story) then maybe it's just a drama. I mean, BSG was a drama, but they had FTL drives and cylons. But then I think of Jericho, and I confuse my own argument. Did we discuss that in Boxed Set? I think I'm having an AUstential crisis.
And sure, if I had thought about it logically, Kings (for example) is fantasy and that's the second F in SFF, but it just doesn't feel like the same vibe as (what I thought were)the other shows discussed in there.
so, we're discussing SciFi v. SyFy (Mansquito!) ;)
what ita said about an all whitefont discussion thread. especially if we're talking "one tv show thread to rule them all" it would be unweildy and much like Natter for me if we put every single tv show in one thread.
In terms of Boxed Set, I don't see why Chuck should be in there
Chuck works for me in Boxed Set simply because he's walking around with a computer in his brain. i could also see the argument that it would work just as well in Procedurals.
I've decided my AU argument is dumb and slippery slope. AU=fantasy? Is that reasonable?
Oh, yeah, I guess the computer in the brain is sort of sci-fi. (Or is it??)
Yeah, I'm no longer using the thread, but based on the premise and the whole computer-in-brain thing, BS is where I'd expect to find discussion of Chuck.