If a poster goes off on us on their webpage, or somewhere else on the net, it's ..
None of our business. We don't like it, it's not cool but we can't use it against them as a reason why they shouldn't be here.
Okay bitterchick. So if a Buffista threatens you somewhere else, because of incidents at a Buffista site, it's still cool beans to have them here? Interesting.
ita, you have email, which now that I've caught up here, is completely irrelevant. Sorry.
bitterchick, I think if the poster in questions links to their webpage on one of our fora, as Z did in PF, it becomes fair game for complaint.
Okay yes. If they link it here. But if I decide that I want to turn the front page of my LJ into "All Buffistas are FUCKOS" and don't mention it here, I don't think you can bring it here.
So if a Buffista threatens you somewhere else, because of incidents at a Buffista site, it's still cool beans to have them here?
Cindy, perhaps I am misreading your tone. Because it feels like you're being awfully flip to someone who has had this very thing happen to them. Not here but elsewhere on the net. Which I kind of thought you knew.
I don't take threats lightly. There's nothing quite like the joy of recieving an email detailing what someone would do to you if they ever got you in a dark alley. Or when posters actually go out into real life situations and do things like slash the top on your convertible. Fuck with your gas line. Slip notes under the door to your apartment. A threat is something completely different and not what I was talking about.
If they link it here. But if I decide that I want to turn the front page of my LJ into "All Buffistas are FUCKOS" and don't mention it here, I don't think you can bring it here.
Agreed, but what if (hypothetically) you have a link to your LJ in your profile? Is that enough indication that you wanted everyone to read your "FUCKO" message to be considered the same as posting here?
Personally, I'd like to only consider behavior here and in affiliated fora. If something is both disturbing and directly linked (e.g., "Here's what I really think of you guys" linked to the "All Buffistas are fuckos" LJ entry), I would say the link makes it functionally the same as posting it here. But I don't want anyone to get in trouble if they were trying to vent privately.
I think in the case of a physical threat, the person should be banned immediately, regardless of whether the threat is posted.
In Zoe's case, if she hadn't cross-posted what she said to PF, I wouldn't consider her comments threats. Threatening, maybe, but also too incoherent for me to get anything out of them other than she doesn't like us very much.
Agreed, but what if (hypothetically) you have a link to your LJ in your profile? Is that enough indication that you wanted everyone to read your "FUCKO" message to be considered the same as posting here?
It's not the same as posting here, but I do think it can come into play.
Is that enough indication that you wanted everyone to read your "FUCKO" message to be considered the same as posting here?
I think we're heading into murky waters. I feel like we can only enforce CS within the community. To try and govern other sandboxes beyond our own bothers me greatly on many levels.
To try and govern other sandboxes beyond our own bothers me greatly on many levels.
But we're not saying that you can't post nasty things in your Livejournal about other Buffistas, just that if you do, and you link directly to it, that's equivalent to posting the comments themselves here.
At least, that's how I'm seeing it. Maybe I'm missing something.
Hey, folks? Seems to me like a lot of this discussion is getting away from the current ballot, and into more general post-Zeo breakdown that might do better in bureau.
Edited to say, I"m moved a response to Jessica over to general bureaucracy.