Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
what happens if someone comes to defend themselves, and does so honorably, after 10 posters have already given seconds?
My instinct is, under this proposal, that if they don't appear on the board, then they can't be warned in absentia.
Hell, if they stay away from the board forever, it's the ungraceful solution, isn't it?
Proposal: Warnings will be in effect for 4 months. A second warning would be issued following the same procedure.
I find this wording very unclear.
think I know what you mean, but I'm concerned that others won't. What happens after four months? What is this "second warning"? Is it instead of a suspension or is it the same thing as a suspension? Are you referring to something that happens before or after four months is up?
when the discussion is moved to Bureau a Stompy will be asked to email the poster in question if they are not active on the thread?
That seems like the polite thing to do.
what happens if someone comes to defend themselves, and does so honorably, after 10 posters have already given seconds?
Perhaps if any of the 11 complainants withdraw their seconds, then the warning is withdrawn as well?
t /throwing out an idea
Reading your post, Jon, I now realise that the second warning bit doesn't truly belong.
It would be cleanest (she wasy, projecting into msbelle's pink shoes) if this were the proposal for the procedure to get a warning issue, and the sticking period of said warning.
What the warning means? That's codified separately, as is the effect of a second warning.
Right. So maybe:
Proposal: Warnings will be in effect for 4 months. After four months, the offending poster's slate is wiped clean.
or something using less metaphorical wording.
Really, I was just trying to get an answer to the question what happens if someone comes to defend themselves, and does so honorably, after 10 posters have already given seconds? Is the poster still given a formal warning, or not?
My gut on this is that anyone who wants to defend themselves honorably and not offensively will do so in step #1 (in the thread where conflict arose). The other side of this is, say they do miss the whole move to Bureau and warning stuff. They are only warned - no limits on posting, no Scarlet letter. If they are community posters they will get the message and post within the community standards. If they aren't, then the process we need to get them out has started. A warning is no punishment for a true Buffista.
Proposal: Warnings will be in effect for 4 months. After four months, the slate is wiped clean.
I like this (slightly edited).
BUT, I don't think it is clear what the steps are to move from a warning to suspension. I want to have the entire process set up, not do one part now, one part later.
I think Burrell has an excellent point. I can Buffistina getting in a tiff, being the one in the wrong, and not seeing the request to make nice in the thread.
Also, if (for example) the tiff took place in a busy thread like Natter, Buffistina might still be around the board for a while, but not in the thread in which the request to make nice is made, and then leaving (for work, play, sleep, whatever) without seeing it, but still having posted elsewhere.
Maybe there should be an escape hatch of sorts. Maybe after the 10 seconds for the warning have been made, there could be a dead period of 24 hours before the warning is issued, during which we wait for Buffistina to reply.
If we're discussing warning text here, I did up a boilerplate back when and then we got caught up in worrying about admin font. Just to give options.
[Edited to add the text iffen you don't want to click.]
Official Stompy Foot Warning Attn: <Problem User>
Hiya. It seems that you've violated our community etiquette standards, viewable here.
We've tried to resolve it in the context of your posts, but it looks like a problem. Please
consider this an official warning that your behavior is not acceptable in this community.
If you amend your behavior, and want to contribute positively to this enviornment, you are a
welcome member of this community. However, if you continue to violate our standards or
disrespect others, you will be suspended for two months. If you come back unreformed, you
will be banned. Banning is rare, and very much a last resort.
To discuss your warning or your situation, please see the bureaucracy thread. Thank you,
and we hope to resolve this problem.
<Insert specific info as necessary>
- Stompy Foot (Admin) Liese
I don't think it is clear what the steps are to move from a warning to suspension.
You mean "Consistent demon-like behavior may earn a warning from the Stompy Feet. If you don't listen to the warning, you will be suspended for two months. And if you come back unreformed, you will be banned. Banning is rare and very much a last resort." needs to be clarified?
Proposal: Warnings will be in effect for 4 months. After four months, the offending poster's slate is wiped clean.
Perhaps we should spell out "After four months
of good behavior
the offending poster's slate is wiped clean."