Well, I see this as a totally appropriate way of going about things. Yes, in this particular case it does appear that we are all pretty much thinking alike, however, I really don't like the idea of setting a precedent where we can derail our carefully put together voting process.
I also support the writers and hope that they get what they are asking for and that this gets resolved. However, I've also got a lot of friends who are now out of work who aren't writers, and who never get part of the back end. I know that it's not the writers that are causing this, it's the producers, but it's still tough to watch a lot of folks who are below the line basically losing their jobs.
Did not mean to derail the discussion now. Will bring it up at an appropriate time.
Thanks Allyson.
A vague disclaimer yada yada friends cakes. Have fun!
I'm on the road at the moment, and therefore appreciate our respect for the established voting process, which will allow me to participate. I will, of course, vote in favor, but I really am glad we're going with the existing process, as Entlike as that makes us feel. Our support will still be appreciated in a week.
So, when are we voting?
Tuesday noonish through Friday noonish.
At some point I'd like to make a proposal that we have a procedure for shortening our voting period in certain circumstances. I'm not kidding. I respect the process immensely - hell, I blew a ton of social capital on it back in the day - but it was supposed to be a means to an end. I have seen absolute total unanimity on support for the writers on this board. A real consensus - not even a bullshit one. Why does it have to take a week to do something we all agree that we want to do?
Why does it have to take a week to do something we all agree that we want to do?
Because I'd like to be sure it's something we all agree we want to do. The voting procedure was put in place because it often seemed we all wanted to do something.
Even if the voting is 100% pro support, I still think affording dissent time to speak up is important in every decision we think is important.
Also, not everyone checks the board every day. I consider that shocking, and I will not admit how often I check the board, but the reason we have a long discussion period is to allow people to weigh in, even if they only check the board every few days.
Yeah, as much as I want our support to be timely, the idea of circumventing the voting process makes my skin crawl. There have been times when we've bullshit consensed about things to take action earlier, but once we get to a voting stage, I think we need to follow our own rules. Opportunity for every voice to be heard, and all.