The survey site says "Results will be posted a day or two after 8/15 noontime."
Anyway, I don't think the survey is going to establish whether or not people want a bucket drama thread, which this vote will do. I hope the fact of doing the poll made people think about their own usage/wants a little more seriously, instead of just figuring, "Well, I guess enough people want, OK, I'll vote for it."
I would be strongly opposed to another postponement. Not for anything related to this specific proposal, but for strictly "constitutional" issues. That is, we have nothing in our rules that permits repeated postponements. What the rules DO allow is for a proposer to withdraw their proposal. That person can then re-propose at a later date, but would need to once again get the required secondses. If Connie wants to go that route, then that's fine, but I'm a little bit annoyed that we might once again flout our carefully agreed upon rules.
I was happy to go for a vote now, except I was asked what my rush was.
Voting is what, three days or four days? Without any further input, I think I'm going to propose voting start on Tuesday, to give Monday for any good argument for further delay. It will have to be a good argument, though. The only reason there's been a delay for this long is because so many people thought it would make a difference.
Connie, for those of us who are completely confused, could you tell us what the ballot is going to say?
(I don't know if this qualifies as a formal format)
Should we open a thread for the discussion of Broadcast Network Drama Shows?
If yes, should there be whitefont?
If yes, should whitefont be: 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week?
Thanks. That seems fairly straightforward, anyway.
The formal proposal
Shall we have a discussion thread for Broadcast Network Drama shows?
This will include shows which do not already have a thread of their own.
If yes, what shall be the whitefont policy?
24 hours
48 hours
1 week
Need to know who's counting votes...
What happens if item 1 passes and none of the item 2 options gets more than 50% of the vote? runoff?