I figured that, because I am one of the SPN watchers, posters and flailers, I would say what *I* want before we open up voting...
Item: Do you want Supernatural to have its own thread?I do.
I would not have said so before this conversation began and that's not the stance I came with into Lightbulbs.
But, as the conversations have progressed over several days and I have thought a lot about it, I want a dedicated single-show Supernatural thread.
Boxed Set is where Supernatural belonged in the past, but things change. It doesn't fit there comfortably now. So I want a new thread at the end of this conversation and the voting. One where I can watch new eps, talk about the show, and propose dvd or rerun watch and posts without feeling like I am stepping on toes and crowding other conversations out.
A lot of feelings, very much including mine, have been hurt in the past several days and over the past several months even, but this isn't me trying to flounce away or just leave Boxed Set. It's just not the place for Supernatural any longer, to me.
The hurt feelings, we'll all get over them. We'll move on.
And I know that I feel terrible that AmyLiz feels bad for proposing this. Don't. It needed to be proposed. The masses of posts and feelings expressed show that it really was time for it to happen. And, Frankenbuddha, don't feel bad for posting something that started this round of conversations. Don't. Like I said, it was inevitable and I am not upset now that you brought it up.
So, as someone who cares a whole lot about how this vote ends? I want a new thread. I am anti-proliferation and everything, but I want this one.