Can I love on Sean just a little, too? 'Cause man, what he said. From another point on the compass of fannishness, but the exact same sentiment, and thanks for expressing it, Sean.
Frank, please. Stoppit. If it wasn't this, it would have been something else. This discussion has been a long time a-comin' and was--still is--necessary. You aren't to blame for anything. We should probably thank you, once the bruises fade a little. Sorry! (not) SPN humor!
Oh my, JohnSweden, may I please tag? I'm in love with this sentence.
Of course! ::scuffs toe ::
The way this discussion has come around, from where it started, to here, with everyone affirming that the most important thing is the people we care about, puts a lump in my throat. This really is a wonderful community.
Well, it's all old news now, but:
(And, I can't say I was squeeing, but I was definitely participating, so I thought it would be clear I was joking.)
FWIW, I totally knew you were joking.
I'll go wherever the SPN discussion goes, and also stay in Boxed Set because I'm a ginormous fannish crackwhore. I'm not upset by any of this except for the part where other people are upset, if that makes sense.
Same here.
I routinely second proposals, whether or not I plan to vote in favor them, just because I figure issues, once raised, should be discussed and settled. I also routinely second proposals made by my friends.
I hope the SPN fans who are hurt know I didn't second it to boot you (us) out. I seconded it, so the discussion could start, and because my friend Amy was brave enough to make the proposal (for whatever reasons).
And here, I am 100% Cindy.
Sean. Ya' big doll.
That is, are there any SPN viewers who use Boxed Set but who DON'T feel like they're being shoved out and instead think that maybe an SPN thread could be a good thing?
::raises hand:: I love SPN like my own crackaddled baby, but I find it difficult to talk about in Boxed Set, mostly because of my Time Difference Issues, and also because I don't have any interest in W&Ping. I think a dedicated show thread would make it more accessible for me, and would allow the nine hundred other shows I watch + talk about in Boxed Set flourish more.
I'll go wherever the SPN discussion goes, and also stay in Boxed Set because I'm a ginormous fannish crackwhore. I'm not upset by any of this except for the part where other people are upset, if that makes sense.
Or what shrift said.
Is it safe to generalize that if you watch Supernatural and consider yourself media-fannish, that you would be tolerant of posting in an environment where there was also discussion of other, currently airing, material?
Not necessarily! Boxed Set would stay my primary board-related discussion area for that kind of thing. I wouldn't bring it into SPN.
Nicely put, Sean. The crummy part of this for me is this strange divisiveness with people I really care about. I wish it weren't there. But it does kind of feel like i've had this conversation more than once now.
I just wanted to apologize for my unnecessary post last night. I was trying to make a small academic point, but I realize that, for the people most upset about SPN spinning off, it's not about
made the proposal, but about
the proposal was made. I still think, like Bev said, that "this discussion has been a long time a-comin' and was--still is--necessary", but I'll try to be more respectful of people's feelings going forward.
Thanks Jon. I was just coming in to apologize for getting snippy in my responses as well.
No worries, Lee. Thanks.
So, the voting starts at 6pm PDT tonight. We will need final wording from AmyLiz and someone to volunteer to count votes (preferably not someone very vested in the outcome).
I can count the votes, Jon.