when shows are back to back like they are/were on Sci-fi Friday, you sort of have to delay the conversation about the first show to do/make it through the W-n-P for the second.
Yeah, but when the first show comes on at 10pm, waiting until midnight Eastern (my time) means I'm asleep, or should be, by the time second-show-talk has petered out. I dunno. Maybe there's just no really good answer.
Hi, JenP! How YOU doin'?
Has this actually happened?
The one I most remember was the one I referenced early in this discussion. There were new eps of both Dresden and BSG, but the comments got swamped. I thought it happened to Dresden again later, but it looks like I was mistaken.
For example, Battlestar Galactica discussion was similarly dominant in the thread at one point—though perhaps more briefly and only while new eps were airing—yet I think we were correct not to bud it off.
I do worry, a bit, that we voted Heroes off the island, and we look likely to vote Supernatural off the island, and then whatever strikes a chord next, and the island might just get down to a couple of people and a machete. Which would be sad.
OTOH, it sounds like a lot of SF TV is in the pipeline for fall; and Supernatural does have a 3rd season (which lack thereof, last spring, was the #1 reason not to have its own thread); and solving traffic problems is always a good idea.
Just -- next time this comes up, we all have to remember that 300 posts in a week in Boxed Set is not appreciably more than is normal. (cf. those statistics I did on March 1.) A lively Boxed Set is a good thing; and I'm willing to agree that a lively Boxed Set is best when it's a lively,
Boxed Set.
I missed something I need to go look at.
How did we do it when Buffy and Angel were on back to back?
I was disgruntled about the w+ps disrupting conversation about a live show but at the same time, I wouldn't want live discussion of SPN to be separate from later discussion. I agree that would stifle things.
I love SPN. I've been watching it since the first episode. I don't understand why it can't have it's own thread. We all know that the VM thread is going away, right? Not that one thing has to leave to make room for another (so far as I understand things) but I don't think that giving it it's own thread could possibly make it busier.
On the other hand, we could try to make it easier to signpost live discussion of shows in Boxed Set. That way the giant time differences between airings of shows vs. ahemming of shows would matter less to those of us who ahem.
How did we do it when Buffy and Angel were on back to back?
Well, we had separate threads, right? Once we were here and having Serious Discussions we did, anyway; I honestly don't remember about the TT days.
I think that there were Angel threads in TT. . . also the SB thread started there and so did Natter. And Other Media.
Particularly if this level of interest and discussion wanes in a couple of months.
In a couple of months, there will be NEW episodes airing. I can't imagine the volume of discussion waxing. If anything, it will grow.
For example, Battlestar Galactica discussion was similarly dominant in the thread at one point—though perhaps more briefly and only while new eps were airing—yet I think we were correct not to bud it off.
Exactly. It was brief, it only happened while new episodes were airing and (from my perception as someone who doesn't watch either show) it
didn't approach the volume SPN has had. This seems to me an argument
a separate SPN thread.