Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
It could be a deathmatch! No scheduling! Just both camps trying to W&P harder and faster than the other!!
Well, that's already happened in Boxed Set, and the SPN DVD W&Ps clobbered all competition. Don't want no rematch.
I am having a problem with the supposed victimization of SPN folk, since it seems like the rest of us are being told, "We talk a lot. Get over it." We're the ones who are having DVD W&Ps scheduled at the same time as the new episodes of the shows we watch. That's pretty impolite. That doesn't seem like it would change with a watch and post thread, either, because there will still be conflicts once the thread nannies start insisting that all watch and posts be held there.
I don't think they're saying get over it. I saw a few say they try to hold it down or take it to LJ- which actually makes me a little sad.
I'm sure it does feel a bit like being steamrolled though when posts about shows you want to have a discussion about are separated by a sea of SPN.
As for the scheduling of W&Ps, I'm sure they're not doing it on purpose, but between scheduling when people are around and the number of other shows that are in there, there's going to be conflict.
I'm not saying there's not a need for another thread. I just don't think the SPNers are thoughtless. I don't think the majority of 'fistas are.
Although it might make it easier to have conversations about other shows in Boxed Set, I think a Watch & Post thread would hurt SPN conversation more than an SPN thread would. Show talk frequently blooms from the seeds planted in watch and post. I've never been a watch and poster, but one of my fondest BtVS memories here is coming to the board on a Wednesday morning, meara-ing the W&P as a jumping off point for my own post. I think it would be awfully disruptive to go to one thread to W&P a show, and then have to take the conversation back to a different thread after 45 minutes. In fact, I think it might kill the conversation.
And I know we're laughing now, but I do think there would be kerfuffles about scheduling. And then some group of us would be hurt because they've always posted about show X on Sunday night at 8, and some other group of us would feel disenfranchised because their also completely nifty show also airs Sunday at 8, but they never get to talk about it.
I think a W&P thread has more potential to change board culture than any single show thread. The thought is making me shudder.
Nutty, thank you for that great explanation. I actually think I am media fannish, I just only ever thought of it as fannish. We (the Buffistas, not just the Boxed Setters) do feel like a particularly (media) fannish bunch.
I think I'm mostly with Dana. I just want people to be happy.
Exactly. Oscars, Super Bowl, anything that doesn't have a dedicated thread, etc....
Personally, I'd rather such occasional things continue in Natter, as they're one of the elements of it that I enjoy the most. Also, unsurprisingly, I am of one mind with Cindy about the effect of a separate W&P thread on Supernatural discussion. W&P thread Bad, Dean Pretty.
As for splitting SPN off into its own thread, I am Switzerland. I think it's right at the tipping point of generating enough discussion to sustain its own thread, but I don't object to it being housed in Boxed Set. Particularly if this level of interest and discussion wanes in a couple of months. What I would object to is a new dedicated thread setting a precedent for Boxed Set's dominant show of the moment being split off repeatedly, with the bar for post density being lowered each time. For example, Battlestar Galactica discussion was similarly dominant in the thread at one point—though perhaps more briefly and only while new eps were airing—yet I think we were correct not to bud it off.
It looks as if we're at a point where some people will feel put upon or disregarded no matter which way the decision goes.
As for splitting SPN off into its own thread, I am Switzerland. I think it's right at the tipping point of generating enough discussion to sustain its own thread, but I don't object to it being housed in Boxed Set. Particularly if this level of interest and discussion wanes in a couple of months. What I would object to is a new dedicated thread setting a precedent for Boxed Set's dominant show of the moment being split off repeatedly, with the bar for post density being lowered each time. For example, Battlestar Galactica discussion was similarly dominant in the thread at one point—though perhaps more briefly and only while new eps were airing—yet I think we were correct not to bud it off.
It looks as if we're at a point where some people will feel put upon or disregarded no matter which way the decision goes.
And Matt, I am unsurprisingly of one mind with you on the all of the above. W&P thread Bad, Dean Pretty indeed, my brother.
We're the ones who are having DVD W&Ps scheduled at the same time as the new episodes of the shows we watch.
Has this actually happened? We try to be pretty careful about a) doing our best to make sure it doesn't, b) telling people when we are going to be W&P, and c) listening to what people say, and I honestly can't remember anyone saying "please don't, that's when Show X is on".
Battlestar Galactica discussion was similarly dominant in the thread at one point—though perhaps more briefly and only while new eps were airing—yet I think we were correct not to bud it off.
I was terribly close to proposing a BSG thread, because I could barely get any Dresden Files talk going before BSG came on and overwhelmed it. I didn't, because I didn't watch BSG, so it didn't seem like I should be proposing it, but I was very frustrated. And still am. I'm trying not to take that frustration out on the SPN fans.
But I still want to know: what do we do when two shows collide? Just letting them duke it out until one set of fans slinks off in defeat is rather unfriendly.
I'm ambivalent about an SPN thread since I'm not hooked on the show yet and I rarely visit Boxed Set.
I love the idea of a dedicated watch-n-post thread.
Has this actually happened?
I think it happened once... BSG, maybe? Not since then for the exact reasons you point out.
Zen, I think it's kind of a crap shoot a lot of the time which conversations will take off and when. I know I've popped in to gush about something before, and... crickets. Sometimes it just depends on who's around and able to post. A lot of times, you just have to wait until you get a critical mass of interested parties - even on show nights, what with all the TiVoing and such. I don't really see that as a collision, though, so this may not be what you're asking at all. In which case, hi! How ya' doing?
Particularly when shows are back to back like they are/were on Sci-fi Friday, you sort of have to delay the conversation about the first show to do/make it through the W-n-P for the second.
Wow. Go off to work all day and everyone is talky!
I'm very, very undecided on the SPN issue, but given that we have voting it should get a vote. It can't be healthy for the board to have stuff that we don't discuss because even bringing it up would be uncomfortable -- not that I think we should lightbulb-ize every niggling detail, but once it's out there, let's finish it.
This. I think at this point it needs to go to a vote. Could someone remind me when that will be so I can word a ballot?
I think I'm with Cindy and Matt on the W&P thread. It sounds fun, but I can't see Oscar night not being in Natter, and I hate the idea of potential discussion being split over threads.