Probable final proposal:
Part one:
Do you want a non-fiction thread, which would encompass the same shows as the Experimental Non-fiction thread, namely reality television (The Amazing Race, Survivor, Top Chef), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Mythbustes, Ghost Hunters)?
yes, no
Part two:
Do you want this thread to have whitefronted discussion?
yes, no
Part three:
How long should whitefront be if there is whitefront?
24 hours, 72 hours, no preference
That looks identical to what you posted yesterday. Was that your intention?
SA? Did you mean to not have "no preference" as an option for the first two parts?
The whitefont question is different.
yes, I think no preference should be options for all 3.
I thought the no preference thing was just for whitefront. Whatever, no preference on all three is fine.
Thanks, SA.
ita -- have you got aurelia set up as the vote counter?
There's going to be a slight delay in starting the vote while I try to figure out why the emailing function no longer works...
Well, I guess we know where the upgrade stands on thread proliferation.
t /natter