I had to read that twice before it would untangle. I kept seeing 3 years and seven kids ago.
Dear me, thank goodness that's not my life. There's only 4 years, 3 months (minus 2 days) between the birthdays of number one and number three. That was close enough!
Also, you said what you said very prettily Deena. We already like it here. The path of least resistance, the path most likely to keep us from getting upset or dissatisfied with Buffistaing, is to keep things the same.
I think that's because, while we all like shiny new things, we're all here -- so, theoretically, not adopting the shiny new thing right now, whether we do later or not, shouldn't make us lose people, whereas adopting it now might.
That makes sense, Deena. Thanks. Some people said they were against the instant runoff because, well, what's the rush? And I get that too. But I was also seeing people sick and tired of voting about voting, so
in this one case
it made sense, to me, to speed things up with my ballot.
Also, and this is mostly to Kat & Plei, my thought process in asking for a reason was not
"you are WRONG, Fucker! Justify your piss-ass self!"
It was because I was looking for a consensus. And you can't build a consensus unless you understand the viewpoint of those you initially disagree with. I consider myself a very thoughtful person. I have strong opinions, but I'm always willing to revisit them if people give me a reason to. Just saying "I'm against it" doesn't cut it.
whomever makes a new try at a moratorium proposal will have a clear picture of what time limit most people want
That makes sense, too. Lots of sense this AM. Makes me want to sneeze.
Joss bless you.
X-post of sorts with Deena.
(I'm picturing Jon's head going all spikey)
(It's kind of cute.)
Jon, thanks for the explanation behind your reasoning. In that context, it makes sense. Stupid communication breakdowns. Always a PITA. Also, SORRY FOR THE ASSCAPS.
of course, it's day out, and I can see my keyboard, so there's no excuse for them now.
So, um, what's happening with the vote? Vote goes forward tonight at midnight EST with Cindy's new wording?
Hold tight. Sophia and/or Cindy will write it, and then Jon will code it, but they're unable to do so until later today.
So, um, what's happening with the vote? Vote goes forward tonight at midnight EST with Cindy's new wording?
That's it. Plus agreement not to craft the ballot here, but the proposer words it, and then has the option to revise it after discussion before it is put up for vote. Much better all the way around I think. That way there's no need to consense on the ballot, but just discussion on its merits, proposals to improve it and the vote itself.
Okay. okay.
Plus agreement not to craft the ballot here, but the proposer words it, and then has the option to revise it after discussion before it is put up for vote.
I read that part, Hec. Thanks. Makes sense to me, says the girl who will never ever propose something to be taken to vote EVER.
Makes sense to me, says the girl who will never ever propose something to be taken to vote EVER.
Not even the baby's name? Surely you can't be trusted with that yourself. What if Mr. Muttonchops wants to name the baby Furbellow Burrell? And in a fit of pique you decide the baby may only be named One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich Burrell? Surely you'd want a preferential ballot, and the input of Buffistas arguing for Lilo Burrell and Go14 Burrell. And when beautiful little No Preference Burrell was nestled in your arms and you looked up into Mr. Burrell's eyes you'd know the best possible choice had been made.