For ANC purposes, you're American if you 1) consider yourself a speaker of American English 2) if you aren't a native speaker of Am. English, you have lived in the U.S./Canada for more than ten years.
It would be good if those who consider themselves UnAmerican didn't opt in, yes. We don't have a rigid screening algorithm as yet!
It would be good if those who consider themselves UnAmerican didn't opt in, yes. We don't have a rigid screening algorithm as yet!
Ah. Ok, I guess I'm out then.
That's 1)
2), erinaceous? I doubt any of my posts'd be long enough to qualify, but I am 2) and not 1).
For ANC purposes, you're American if you 1) consider yourself a speaker of American English 2) if you aren't a native speaker of Am. English, you have lived in the U.S./Canada for more than ten years.
So does that mean that, for ANC purposes, Canadians speak American English?
Because I don't consider myself to speak American English.
Yah, what are you talking aboot? Colour me surprised.
And I think Jeff is saying that he's looking forward to having his name verbified to something that's not an insult, but I defer to him of course.
Sorry about the confusion. Yes, this is what I was trying to say.
It's pronounced Mu-HEE-uh. Mexican origin.
Thank you! I really prefer to read with proper pronunciation. (Also, easier to say than the odd pronunciation my mind was using)
That's 1) or 2), erinaceous? I doubt any of my posts'd be long enough to qualify, but I am 2) and not 1).
Yep, 1 OR 2. And the corpus is supposed to cover American and North American English, both. I'm not sure if they're tagging Canadian material, or just hoping it will sort itself out ... poor Canadians, they're always caught between the Brits and the Yanks ...
Anyway, this will all be marked "online", so it's not as cut-and-dried as it would be if I were soliciting published novels ...