I'm not sure what to do about Great Write Way, I forgot about that. I think it should be kept seperate.
The discussion there has been discussion and posting on original work, aspects of publishing original fiction and that sort of thing, which is very different than fanfiction. Although it's a fiction thread it's a different type of fiction and I think it should stay seperate from fanficition.
It also houses poetry, ifI remember correctly. Very different atmosphere from the fanfiction threads.
I agree that Great Write Way should be kept separate.
SA, I personally don't see why repurposing Previously to an Angel thread would suddenly make it verbotten to bring up a Buffy episode for discussion. But maybe that's just me & my liberal sense of thread drift.
Kat - rather than renaming the Buffy/Angel spoilers thread, perhaps we should close it, and open a new Angel Spoilers thread, instead, for the same archiving issues everyone mentioned during the repurpose vs. close discussions for other threads.
I've mentioned this in the spoilers thread. There have been no objections, and I don't see any coming, but I only posted about it this morning, and could be wrong. I said (there) that if anyone knows of a reason it's not a good idea, to pop in and mention it here.
I didn't say it would be verbotten--but why does the title have to be specifically for Angel? Why can't it be both Buffy and Angel?
Because the Buffy thread will be, by default, all previously aired eps, all the time? Just a guess.
I didn't say it would be verbotten--but why does the title have to be specifically for Angel? Why can't it be both Buffy and Angel?
This is how I feel,
as long as
we still have a specificially Buffy thread - and I think that's the rub. People feel it's redundant to have a Buffy thread, and then call the Previously thread "Previously on Buffy and Angel". I (and I think others) don't want us to lose a singular Buffy thread. It gets much more action than the Previously thread, and there's no reason the syndicated episode discussion can't go in the singular Buffy thread.
Right now, the title of the previously thread doesn't mention either show.
The slug is:
For discussion of past seasons of Buffy.
Change it to "for discussion of past seasons of Angel" (or Buffy and Angel) and we're golden.