The most frustrating aspect of this discussion, which I've been lurking in--sorry, I should have weighed in, but I suck at fast-paced discussion--is that Spoilers is already a sub-section of Buffistas. It's been that way for a long time. But many of the people who are in there now are new, and the concepts of what should be publicly acceptable re: spoilers is shifting. I didn't particularly like nor see the need for Lite, but I respected it--and I think having to care for three different needs, the unSpoiled, the slightly Spoiled, and the full-on Spoiled is simply ridiculous for a community that prides itself on discussion between a diverse and interesting group of people who are consistently interested in having good *discussion,* not breaking its back trying to meet the needs of every single member. To that end, when Buffy was aired, those in Spoilers did their best to be cautious and courteous when it came to spoilers. Such efforts, I believe, are not considered as necessary for Angel--especially if you look at the way the Spoiler community has grown (granted, not exponentially,but seriously more than usual) over the summer as Angel spoilers are beginning to roll in.
So that's my .02.
Huh. I never thought of this as having anything to do with Buffy being over.
I don't see one show's spoilers as less spoilery than the other.
you know, since many of the spoiler pure won't be participating in such a thread you won't have our voices anyway
you might as well give us a place where we can converse
Well, once the UnAmericans are done with Angel this year (3 days, apparently), doesn't Previously become a possiblity for a defacto summer virgin thread? Since we are only talking about SUMMER regular cast spoilers?
Huh. I never thought of this as having anything to do with Buffy being over.
::shrug:: Probably just my perspective then--a lot of people who dallyed over the summer wanted to stay pure during the season for Buffy, but were less interested in doing so for Angel.
Well, once the UnAmericans are done with Angel this year (3 days, apparently), doesn't Previously become a possiblity for a defacto summer virgin thread? Since we are only talking about SUMMER regular cast spoilers?
Except the people who post in UnAmerican aren't the same people who post in spoilers or the main show threads so they may not appreciate the hijack of their thread.
And besides that, Previously is both Buffy and Angel discussion about previous seasons, not spoilers.
I don't think the UnAm thread was meant. It was the previously thread that would be repurposed.
The other thing (this is starting to get really tangled in my head) is that if this becomes routine, UnAms won't be able to do previously for fear of getting plot spoiled for the last few eps.
Except the people who post in UnAmerican
The Unamerican thread is not the Previously thread.
Ken's idea is an interesting one. Currently, the Previously thread slug says that it's for discussion of old Buffy eps. We'd been talking about broadening the thread to include old Angel eps since the reruns are starting in the fall. But since the Unamericans are about finished with Angel (I think this week?), why not use that one for the summer if you want to talk about Angel and remain pure? It won't require any repurposing other than what we'd already talked about.