The last point is why I'm abstaining rather than voting "no". If I'm right in my instinct that over-legislation has become a serious problem for a significant percentage of the board, I'd actually like to see it fail to get MVT.
Keep in mind that a vote of "no preference" counts towards the MVT. We voted on that. ;)
Exactly why having no preference votes count toward MVT was a terrible decision.
The process seems very clear to me.
And to me, too. But it seems very unclear to both people who aren't in bureau as much as we are, and to people who hate bureau way more than we do, Jon, and I think it has potential in it, not to be misused, but for someone to either attempt to misuse it, or to create a firestorm because they didn't see issue X as something that would have fallen under it.
I still think it should just be withdrawn and only dragged out if it's needed. Also - everything askye said.
I won't vote "no" or "no preference". I just won't vote.
Exactly why having no preference votes count toward MVT was a terrible decision.
Well, this way you have a choice. If you have no strong opinion, but want the issue to be decided, you vote "no preference". If you don't want the issue decided, you don't vote. If NP votes didn't count towards the MVT, you wouldn't have that option.
Let us have a non-voting party!
I like this sensible idea.
I think it would be nifty if we got 42 votes.
I think it would be nifty if we got 42 votes.
(Hugs Laura out of sheer giddy affection)
Hang on, I'll put this in Press.
I don't know where the votes are going. I sent a test email and it didn't come to me. Brenda also volunteered, but they could still be going to the last counter.
ita! Has votes been directed to a vote counter?
also, insent to ita
OK, I am getting votes now. If you voted early and are unsure if I got it either send me a note or vote again. Don't worry, I won't count twice!
Stompy, is it thread closing time?