It's all about choices, Faith. The ones we make, and the ones we don't. Oh, and the consequences. Those are always fun.

Angelus ,'Smile Time'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Steph L. - May 25, 2024 10:14:46 am PDT #727 of 2709
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Tonight she has Prom #2!

How do you top a boat in high winds? Towering inferno?

We are off shortly to wedding #2. (I say "shortly," but Tim is still not dressed and is currently shaving and we really need to leave in 15 minutes. I may have to go herd him.)

msbelle - May 25, 2024 10:19:38 am PDT #728 of 2709
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Anyone wanna do a chore day? I have house guests next week and things are both dirty and messy.

Jesse - May 25, 2024 12:09:17 pm PDT #729 of 2709
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I got right up and was very effective this morning and am now done, so that's good. I have been to the supermarket twice today, which is maybe not the MOST efficient, but at least it wasn't crowded, on a beautiful day during a long weekend.

Is today anything to do with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? A word puzzle I'm doing seems themed to it.

msbelle - May 25, 2024 12:11:03 pm PDT #730 of 2709
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Towel day I think.

Jesse - May 25, 2024 12:13:26 pm PDT #731 of 2709
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.


brenda m - May 25, 2024 5:41:38 pm PDT #732 of 2709
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

I was very productive today. Did a bunch of work and then went up to Milwaukee to the storage unit and spent several hours sorting crap up there. We’re moving it all to a closer storage unit, but also trying to dejunk and get as much as possible into a yard sale as we can before that. When my dad first moved to the cabin, it was intended to be temporary, and so he kept a lot of crap that otherwise was probably not worth storing.

I came back to the cabin and spent some time getting the rummage stuff organized, and the screen porch dejunked. And at that point I was on a roll so I got the deck reorganized and set up for summer.

Now I’m sitting on the deck, having a beer and listening to all the birds and frogs. And about to go inside because my otherwise very nice neighbor seems to be burning a bunch of damp wood and from the sound of it possibly doing wheelies on a riding mower? IDK. It’s approximately mosquito o’clock so I’d be going inside around now anyway probably.

Consuela - May 25, 2024 9:52:20 pm PDT #733 of 2709
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

I took Tilly for a 5-mile hike this morning, then had lunch with some friends, and took a nap, and did yard work.

A good Saturday.

Except my climbing partner says she's going to stop climbing for a while because (we're old) she's having trouble recovering from injuries. Which sucks because I'm much better at climbing with people than on my own.

Also Tilly has a cough and I cannot get her in to see the vet before Wednesday, probably. She does have all her shots, including bordatella, so I don't know what this is.

Anyway I'm watching some of the American Baking show on Roku. Which is fun -- I really like Zach Cherry, particularly. He's pretty great.

Laura - May 26, 2024 6:32:12 am PDT #734 of 2709
Our wings are not tired.

Yay for productivity, and walks with pups!

I hope Tilly's cough resolves.

My plan for today is making a good list of what I have to do to go north. My SIL arrives for a 10 visit the day after I leave so she is going to stay here with her friends rather than couch surfing with the other sibs. So I have to make a list for her to close up the place when she leaves. Things like bring in all the balcony furniture and empty perishables from fridge. I don't know how long Brendon will stay in Otter Lake, and hurricanes seem to spin up quickly these days.

We went and visited his mother yesterday so he could fix stuff with her sink and car, and I made her a quiche. I don't think I will get a chance to go and see my sibs before I head out, but we'll see how the week goes. I leave Friday morning.

My packing for 5 months is just pet stuff and my vitamins and meds, along with clothes and toiletries for the few days on the road. In the past, I have brought pretty much all my clothes, but now I have north and south clothes. A big part of my packing used to be cooking related with all my favorite spices and base ingredients. I am trying really hard to do that on both sides instead. I've duplicated my kitchen tools, but the ingredients are trickier. I need to purchase minimum quantities up there this year because I can't leave them up there over the winter. Canned goods turn to mush, and spices solidify from freezing and thawing repeatedly for months. People who cook understand just how many items are required staples. (I may make an exception for my Indian spices because I am not even sure there is a good market for those near Otter Lake) So maybe a small staples box in the trunk.

javachik - May 26, 2024 7:05:03 am PDT #735 of 2709
Our wings are not tired.

Yay Tilly is her name and she likes hikes! Boo on the cough and hope it’s easily treated!

Brenda you’re reminding me that I need to coordinate someone to work on my cabin this summer. I have zero time to do it and I need a new deck and someone to figure out a water seepage issue. And general contractors are very hard to find up there.

It’s glorious weather up here in CT and I’m enjoying the long weekend of gardening and yard stuff. I’ve got a water saturation issue in the backyard that really needs to be dealt with sooner than later, so my plumber is headed over today to temporarily plumb the sink/dishwasher to the septic (instead of the “dry”well they currently feed into). It’s temporary because the existing septic tank isn’t graded for this expanded house, so I’m installing a whole new septic system as soon as we have the permits. But I can’t deal with the saturated drywell anymore - every time I do dishes now, my back patio floods and it’s really gross. Because it’s grey water, it’s not as gross as it could be, but it still smells yucky and the Snarflebutts think it’s the BEST THING EVER to roll in!!!! 😩😫 So, yeah. Home-ownership is so much fun!!!

I had NOT thought about the spices and food thing happening at Otter Lake, Laura! I forgot that your place is seasonal and gets super cold in winter.

javachik - May 26, 2024 7:22:02 am PDT #736 of 2709
Our wings are not tired.

Laura have you considered a small root cellar? I did some searching for food storage for seasonal cabins and lots of forums exist where people talk about digging a few feet into the ground below the frost line, and sinking a steel container (even a trash can in one case) into the ground to keep their winter food stuff. Would something like that work for you? It’s fascinating reading about the people who for part of the year can only access their cabin via snowshoes - so to avoid hauling groceries they come up with creative solutions!