No. And yes. It's always sudden.

Tara ,'Storyteller'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Consuela - May 24, 2024 8:21:17 pm PDT #710 of 2704
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

Oh, wait, there's also Tilly and Kira...

DavidS - May 24, 2024 8:23:46 pm PDT #711 of 2704
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Oh, wait, there's also Tilly and Kira...

One of those, I think.

javachik - May 24, 2024 8:58:06 pm PDT #712 of 2704
Our wings are not tired.

I love Tilly!!

I have a niece (well, cousin’s daughter who’s more like niece) named Kira for ST.

Consuela - May 24, 2024 9:21:59 pm PDT #713 of 2704
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

I'm thinking seriously about Tilly.

(I still love Mariner but I think she may be more of a Tilly anyway...)

javachik - May 24, 2024 9:29:32 pm PDT #714 of 2704
Our wings are not tired.

Mariner is a great name but I’d end up calling her Marnie because three syllables and I’m lazy lol.

She’s so cute!!!!

meara - May 24, 2024 10:02:42 pm PDT #715 of 2704

Very striking eyes indeed!

I have been on a road trip since 1pm, and we are still almost 2 hours from our destination. Oh dear. But I am not driving. I am however DJ, a responsibility I take seriously, so have been keeping the vibe going.

brenda m - May 24, 2024 11:05:48 pm PDT #716 of 2704
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

She would make a most excellent Tilly. Huzzah!

(The most recent amazing race has made question what it says about a society that lets a word like huzzah fall into disuse. Nothing good I’m sure.)

Calli - May 25, 2024 4:24:17 am PDT #717 of 2704
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I like Tilly as a girl dog name. Bix would work better as a cat name, although I’m sure I’d change it to Bixie almost immediately.

lisah - May 25, 2024 6:28:00 am PDT #718 of 2704
Punishingly Intricate

She’s gorgeous, ‘suela!!! Congrats to you both!

JenP - May 25, 2024 6:30:56 am PDT #719 of 2704

Tilly is a fab, name and character. She looks sweet. Congratulations to you both!

Lordy, do I need to hydrate better today. I kept waking myself up every hour last night with leg cramps. Ugh. And I'm sure I'll be just delightful all day after that kind of sleep. If you see me in here, ask me when the last time I had a sip was. Sheesh.

Wherever you're going, meara, I hope it's a good time.