My birth certificate WAS exactly where I thought it would be! Woo hoo! Bonus: tucked up next to my birth certificate Social Security card!!! I don't remember putting it there, but it makes sense they're together.
My passport was not with them. The other place I think it might be is in the bedroom, and I'll check before I go to bed.
Total lunar eclipse tonight, y'all! Depending on where you are in the US, the timing of totality ranges from Late to Jesus Christ It's Late.
I know where my passport is but not my birth certificate. Is it in my safe deposit box? Maybe?
I’m going to meet a couple friends at 230 and sit on a roof and watch the eclipse. It feels like the right thing to do in these trying times
...did the eclipse get Brenda?
I went outside at around 2 and saw much of the moon hidden, but when I went out at what was supposed to be totality it was covered by a cloud. It likely would have cleared, but I went back to sleep. I do have to walk over to the beach for the full moon rise tonight since it is at a decent 8 PM and the forecast calls for completely clear skies.
I've been listening to BBC News in the morning. This morning, the discussion involved how to proceed now that the US has proven to be completely unreliable. With a side of do we just have to deal with this for 4 years or is this a more permanent change. It is just so depressing.
I should be absent today because I need to do something with my house! It doesn't take much for a smaller place to be completely out of order.
I think I was outside around the same time Laura. I was too tired and cold to wait for the totality though.
Besides, if I had waited, it might’ve got me.
We set the alarm for 3 a.m., scuttled outside to look at totality (very cool!), and went back to bed. This morning, my brain isn't loving the interrupted sleep, but coffee is my faithful companion.
Also, Happy Pi Day!
Happy Pi Day!
Everybody raise your hand if you know exactly where your passport or birth certificate is!
Passport, yes; birth certificate....maybe? I know the first place I'd look, anyway. I do know exactly where both kids' birth certificates (and passports) are.
I like watching eclipses, but 2:26 am was not a practical time to do so what with me being comatose. I spent most of yesterday afternoon clearing out bookcases and sorting contents at the office. Between the dust and fumes from the marker I was using to label boxes, I was woozy for the evening and turned in early.