Back from the Globe. One of the most memorable theatre experiences I’ve ever had.
The winter productions are in a small theatre space that is entirely candle-lit. The music and sound effects are similarly true to the times. Three amazing women in a choir loft using wind, percussion, and string instruments; hanging glass globes; small drums; and voices, including throat singing, providing all of it without amplification.
The play itself was done with a ton of humor and great staging/costuming to tell the whole story on a nearly bare set. Awesome cast, nearly all actors of color and substantially gender swapped.
More drinks at the swan after dinner, where a good 2/3 of the cast was at the table next to us decompressing and having fun.
Tomorrow the borough market for breakfast and then probably Tower of London, followed by the Tate Modern. After that, who knows. Maybe nothing it’s been a pretty full week. And I do not need to do a lick of shopping. (Except to get some marmite, which was discussed at lunch and then happened to be served with the bread at dinner and I loved. Nothing else though. I hope.)