Aquafaba is the commonly-accepted vegan egg substitute. Also maybe something with chia seeds?
Chia seeds, flax seeds, mashed banana, apple sauce -- there are a ton of different ones for different applications. Depends on if you want the finished product to be chewy or fluffy, and on whether or not you need the egg to work as a binder.
I want to throat-punch everyone who said they couldn't vote for Harris because she supported genocide in Gaza. And then light them on fire.
The mechanics of actually forcing 1.5 million people over into other countries is way beyond his understanding. I'm so glad we're out of Iraq because now we can get invading other Middle Eastern countries.
DH saw eggs in the 18 per carton for $14 last week. I can eat scrambles even on an iffy tummy. I'll have to investigate Egg Beaters and suchlike.
I’m glad your managers aren’t letting you down, Consuela
I’m drained today. Just going to do a little work and keep my mouse moving so it shows I’m online.
Bleargh on all of it.
I'm having flashbacks of every day bringing a horror worse than the previous day. We've been here before. They have to top themselves. Every day we think it can't get worse, and then.
I have to keep reminding myself that just because it's absurd doesn't mean he won't actually do it. This timeline is wack.
Eggs are available here but they are hella expensive. I've been paying close to $10/dozen for organic free-range in the supermarket (those used to be the prices I was paying at the farmstand before my local farmstand moved far away).
I got up at 5 am today to take my dad for an outpatient heart procedure (it involves sedation, so he couldn't drive himself). AND THEN, the procedure ended up being cancelled because Dad had missed a dose of his blood thinner. His heart rhythm is in Afib, which is both an irregular heartbeat and a rapid heart beat. So he was going to have cardioversion to get his heart back into normal rhythm, and they do that by shocking him.
The pre-procedure notes he had said to tell his doctor if he missed even a single dose of the blood thinner in the last 4 weeks, because missing a dose could cause a blood clot, and if there was a clot while he’s getting zapped, he could have a stroke. The pre-procedure notes didn’t say “call your doctor’s office the day before the procedure to let them know you missed a dose”; it literally just said “tell your doctor if you missed a dose,” so he thought that meant he could tell the doctor when he got to the hospital. So he did. And then they cancelled the procedure. They’ll reschedule it for 4-5 weeks from now.
I am desperately hoping they schedule it for later in the day. Or even later in the morning. 5 a.m. is fucking brutal.