I got up at 5 am today to take my dad for an outpatient heart procedure (it involves sedation, so he couldn't drive himself). AND THEN, the procedure ended up being cancelled because Dad had missed a dose of his blood thinner. His heart rhythm is in Afib, which is both an irregular heartbeat and a rapid heart beat. So he was going to have cardioversion to get his heart back into normal rhythm, and they do that by shocking him.
The pre-procedure notes he had said to tell his doctor if he missed even a single dose of the blood thinner in the last 4 weeks, because missing a dose could cause a blood clot, and if there was a clot while he’s getting zapped, he could have a stroke. The pre-procedure notes didn’t say “call your doctor’s office the day before the procedure to let them know you missed a dose”; it literally just said “tell your doctor if you missed a dose,” so he thought that meant he could tell the doctor when he got to the hospital. So he did. And then they cancelled the procedure. They’ll reschedule it for 4-5 weeks from now.
I am desperately hoping they schedule it for later in the day. Or even later in the morning. 5 a.m. is fucking brutal.
Oof, that's rough, Tep. Good luck.
I know it's, like, an actual crime and all, but "egg heist by Dave Matthews" is kinda cracking me up
Where are they going to unload 100,000 eggs that doesn't scream "Hey! These are the hot ones from PA!" I mean, you can't really pace it out over a year -- they're eggs. Anyway...
The stolen eggs had a retail value of roughly $40,000 (or $4.80 per dozen).
I want to know where on the East Coast you can get Pete & Gerry's organic eggs for $4.80/dozen!! Did the thief leave a contact number, I'll order some right now!
Guinness Book of World Records cake?
My sciatica has been bad since the flight back from Japan, so I went running this morning and did a lot of stretches. If I keep it up I hope it takes the pressure off the pinched nerve.
I gained weight over the last two years and I really need to take it back off again. Trying to use this alone time while Matilda is in Kyoto to re-establish better habits.
In a couple hours I'll drive Cousin Nicole to the train station in Emeryville so she can return to Sacramento. She kept the pigs alive and the house intact while I was gone. But I will be glad to have the house completely to myself.
Now if I can just get my phone fixed...Maybe it's time to just get a new one.
Timelies, all.
Welcome back, David. Hope Matilda has a great time out in the world.
For those not under the thumb of Apple, Google Play also has 5calls.
I haven't noticed egg shortages here, but HEB tries to get everything from local farms here in TX. Also from Mexico, so the tarriffs would definitely have hit them.
"NFL will remove 'End Racism' from the end zones ahead of Super Bowl. The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game." [link]
Because we wouldn't want to offend anyone. So disgusting. I had been looking forward to the game.
NFL will remove 'End Racism' from the end zones ahead of Super Bowl.
I mean, Kansas City's end zones with "CHIEFS" painted huge and then "End Racism" much much smaller above it is pretty damn ironic anyway.
They are putting Chose love instead.