Is this the longest month ever? Feels like it.
I’m extra draggy today, even for a Monday. I might try to take a nap over lunch.
The coffee that was made (I drink it cold) was half caf, so that’s not helping.
The tales from Japan are so fun. It’s on my list of places to visit, but no concrete plans.
Is this the longest month ever? Feels like it.
The last week was at least a month.
Yes but at the same time I don’t really need it to be February yet. Though I am anxiously awaiting longer daylight hours.
It’s Monday morning. I read some work emails in bed and had to promptly call someone to stop them from doing the wrong thing which they should’ve known better. And now I just want to crawl back into bed except my tummy is unhappy so I’m not sure I could sleep.
Yeah, the the first hundred days of Trump 2 has been rough.
Some asshole just tried to scam the non-profit I work for as a (very minimal hourly) contractor -- they sent her an email with my name on it (but not from my email address) telling her they'd need to change "my" banking info. before next payroll.
She responded, but, fortunately, she pays me through PayPal, so she was like, "I think you'd need to change that on your end .."
Also, fortunately, I just happened to be looking at that email account to see whether my 1099 went out, and I noticed the email from "me." Gave her a heads up and pointed out a couple of telltales, but... phew! I mean, actually, if it helps make her more suspicious of stuff in the future, then it's kind of a low stakes way to have gotten a little scare.
Clearly, they looked at my LI profile and got my title from it (I actually changed it yesterday, interestingly) -- that's the only place I refer to myself the way they signed the email. Jerks.
Just worked for a client whose clients got similar emails, and a couple of them fell for it, and what a nightmare that was.
but at the same time I don’t really need it to be February yet.
For planning purposes, we use a weekly calendar that is divided into periods that approximate months rather than actual months, and period 1 is 4 weeks long with the first week starting 12/29/24 so now that it is week 5 I am arguably in a new planning cycle. This does not improve anything, as far as I can tell.
Also, that sucks, JenP, glad y'all caught it before any harm was done
Wait, so was the email actually sent from your account or did she cc you on the response, or how did you see the email from “you” in your account?
No, they sent it from their own Gmail account to the email address listed on the org's website (I also have access to that org email account -- we both do, so that's how I saw it), but they changed the "how your name appears in recipient's inbox" to say that their email was from Jennifer Mylastname. Of course, when you open the email, if you hover over it, you see their actual sending account is not from me, but if you're not suspicious...
So, from LI, they learned my name, my title, the org I worked for... not hard to get an email address for it... and voila! Scam city!