No, they sent it from their own Gmail account to the email address listed on the org's website (I also have access to that org email account -- we both do, so that's how I saw it), but they changed the "how your name appears in recipient's inbox" to say that their email was from Jennifer Mylastname. Of course, when you open the email, if you hover over it, you see their actual sending account is not from me, but if you're not suspicious...
So, from LI, they learned my name, my title, the org I worked for... not hard to get an email address for it... and voila! Scam city!
Argh, it's been 3 fucking weeks and the prior authorization for my migraine meds is still up in the air. I'm thinking about making voodoo dolls of everyone involved and then stabbing pins in the heads to give them all migraines.
Oh no, Steph! They should definitely all get hit with some kind of sympathetic magic to teach them a lesson
I don't know if it's my doctor's office dragging their feet on the prior authorization questionnaire (and seriously FUCK my insurance for requiring they fill out a fucking questionnaire) or if it's my insurance dragging their feet on the approval process, or both, but I am seriously wanting to kick some asses. Or use Dark Willow-style magic to just get this goddamn prior authorization pushed through and approved.
That's such a bullshit rigamarole, Steph.
Absurdly frustrating!
Since my eyes are more functional, I have been catching up on the archived Wordle and Connections puzzles I missed. There were 5 days over the past month when I just didn't look at screens at all. Doing them one after another is making me feel all smarty pants. In a zone here.
I survived a day of work! In the world outside my house! Interacting with actual people!
Also the news that there would be an all-staff meeting at 10 AM. "Is it bad news?" I asked some of the inner office staff, worried that it would be because a fellow staff member had been killed or who knows, I was out of the loop for a couple days.
No, our parent company (hospitals and clinics and a few assisted living residences) will most likely be selling the ALRs to another healthcare company, another nonprofit owned and run by the Carmelite nuns, which specializes in this sort of stuff and has highly rated residences, to boot.
I am just so thankful that it's not venture capital, which has now driven two hospital systems into bankruptcy that I know of.
Venture capital is a scourge, and I their role in undermining whatever social contract there existed is under appreciated.
I'm so glad for you that this seems like something entirely other!