Teppy, a friend from high school found those same type of flyers in her neighborhood in my home town.
We have a pretty robust Mexican immigrant community in my hometown. Which, ironically, is the home of Tom Metzger (founder of WAR—White Aryan Resistance—behind the neo-Nazi resurgence in the 80s).
As the executive orders started flying, I started getting depressed.
Elon's Nazi salute was really the capper on the whole shittastic day for me.
I'm pretty down, I have to say. Gotta go back into the office tomorrow and spend some time talking down my staff and trying to figure out if we're all going to get fired for not returning to the office full-time. (Half my team is full remote, are days away from the office!)
Yikes. Good luck Suela—are they part of a union? Is that allowed?
The nazi salute really was the last straw for me. What the actual fuck.
All the people saying “what Nazi salute? That’s not what that was” are really pissing me off. That he had the gall to do it was shocking but that he’s getting away with it is just, I don’t even know.
Best wishes, Consuela. I hope y’all don’t get treated too badly.
I tried very hard to ignore everything yesterday and woke up at 6AM from a nightmare about that fucking guy.
Hubby has a job interview today. Need some job-ma.
It’s also -18F and I don’t wanna.
All the job~ma coming your way!